Ich wollte euch alle zum St. Martins Fest einladen aber die Polizei Hamburg hat was dagegen gehabt 😰. Es wäre episch geworden 😜 The #warondrugs ist gescheitert, schädlich und teuer. Also wenn ich Nachschub organisiert bekomme, ich sag euch wo und wann 😺 die Sause steigt 😁

Großer Kokainfund in Hamburg präsentiert: Zwei Tonnen Rauschgift und zwölf Festnahmen
Großer Kokainfund in Hamburg präsentiert: Zwei Tonnen Rauschgift und zwölf Festnahmen

Polizei und Zoll haben in Hamburg bei einem gemeinsamen Einsatz 2,1 Tonnen Kokain gefunden. Das Rauschgift wurde am Mittwoch bei einem spektakulären Einsatz im Stadtteil Rothenburgsort sichergestellt ...


The #WarOnDrugs was always based in racism and reactionary politics. The idea of making a plant illegal is stupid, as is making laws against any activity that doesn't hurt other people. Addiction should be treated as a medical issue. Legalize it all and use of hard stuff falls.


Just tried to show M. this clip of War on Drugs playing the Under the Pressure part everyone loves at the Royal Albert Hall and she said I'm proud of you baby (?)


What a band. What a gig ♥️ #warondrugs


Solange Substanzen noch nach legal oder illegal deklariert werden, begrüße ich Bargeld. Da es mir meine Freiheit ermöglicht. Solange der #WarOnDrugs existiert und Menschen deswegen kriminalisiert werden können ist Bargeld einfach Tip top unersetzbar.


Was the drug war an honest attempt to curb drug use, or a devious way to attack political enemies? Find out in The Truth About... The War on Drugs

The Truth about... The War on Drugs
The Truth about... The War on Drugs

On the surface, the War on Drugs sounded like an effort to combat rising crime rates or deter drug use, but drug use and drug crimes had been abating for years. The real purpose of the drug war was political. Find out why in The Truth About... The War on Drugs SOURCES: SMOKE AND MIRRORS: The War on Drugs and the Politics of Failure by Dan Baum THE NEW JIM CROW: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness by Michelle Alexander THE MISINFORMATION AGE: How False Beliefs Spread by Cailin O’Connor and James Owen Weatherall THE VANISHING MIDDLE CLASS: Prejudice and Power in a Dual Economy by Peter Temin THE HACKING OF THE AMERICAN MIND: The Science Behind the Corporate Takeover of Our Bodies and Brains by Robert H. Lustig, MD, MSL STATE OF CONFUSION: Political Manipulation and the Assault on the American Mind by Dr. Bryant Welch REPUBLIC OF EQUALS: A Manifesto for a Just Society by Jonathan Rothwell PUNISHMENT WITHOUT CRIME: How Our Massive Misdemeanor System Traps the Innocent and Makes America More Unequal by Alexandra Natapoff HOW TO BE ANTI-RACIST by Ibram X. Kendi DOG WHISTLE POLITICS by Ian Haney Lopez OK BOOMER, Let's Talk by Jill Filipovic FROM THE WAR ON POVERTY TO THE WAR ON CRIME: The Making of Mass Incarceration in America by Elizabeth Hinton RECONSIDERING REAGAN: Racism, Republicans, and the Road to Trump by Daniel S. Lucks PRISONERS OF POLITICS: Breaking the Cycle of Mass Incarceration by Rachel Elise Barkow ONE PERSON, NO VOTE: How Voter Suppression is Destroying Our Democracy by Carol Anderson Legalize It All How to win the war on drugs By Dan Baum From the April 2016 issue Harper’s: #pot #weed #marijuana #warondrugs #justsayno #medicalmarijuana #richardnixon #nixon #drugwar #drugs #druguse #drugabuse #massincarceration #misinformation #truth #crack #crackcocaine #cocaine #narcotics #smokeandmirrors #johnehrlichman #Reagan #RonaldReagan #nixonadministration #drugcriminalization #Reaganadministration #decriminalization #decriminalize #politics #allanwhincup #quirkbooks #healthrisks #prison #lawandorder #toughoncrime #Timemagazine #DEA #drugenforcement #drugenforcementagency #racialpolitics #racialjustice #racialbias #racialprofiling #racism #racialdiscrimination #drugcrimes #crime #nida #nationalinstituteondrugabuse #racialdisparity #drugsentences #warontruth #howtowinthewarontruth #samuelcspitale


I'm convinced that Wonka 2023 is an extended allegory about the American #WarOnDrugs , and I'm concerned that it made me sympathetic to the battle of upstart cartels against establishment opiod peddling pharma. And now I'm craving chocolate.


Someone found and shared this post from three years ago, and I decided it also bears repeated. #WarOnDrugs was always a scam to expand police powers and prison slavery and harm minority and leftist social cohesion.