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Liam O'Mara IV, PhD
Snarky history professor and political commentator; bibliophile; anti-nationalist libsoc antifa mountain man; geeky cat dad; views are entirely my own, not my employer's.
25 followers10 following906 posts

#StarTrek#TNG#ThisDayInHistory in 1987. It successfully revived and expanded Roddenberry's optimistic vision of the future, inspiring a new generation of fans... and whole genres of memes. 😀 I've been through every ST show, but TNG remains special.

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Liam O'Mara IV, PhD
Snarky history professor and political commentator; bibliophile; anti-nationalist libsoc antifa mountain man; geeky cat dad; views are entirely my own, not my employer's.
25 followers10 following906 posts