Hab 2004 meine Lehre bei RWE begonnen, Mutter und 2 Onkel haben da gearbeitet. Ich hab da einfach recht viel mitbekommen, was bei diesen Infrastrukturprojekten einfach grundsätzlich falsch gelaufen ist. Und immer wieder geschieht. Weill man sich vorrangig für die schnelle Außenwirkung interessiert.


Sorry, can we jump back a second: David Paterson’s stepson’s father is Curtis Sliwa?? How many stories did we get about Bill de Blasio’s marriage being open and nothing on this?

Headline: 2 Boys Charged in Manhattan Assault on Former Gov. David Paterson
Subhead: The boys, 12 and 13, were charged with gang assault, according to the police. Two adults who were involved in the attack have not been caught, the police said.

There is a picture of two cops standing on either side of yellow crime scene tape outside McDonalds.
Mr. Paterson, 70, suffered minor injuries to his face and body, while his stepson, Anthony Sliwa, 20, suffered minor injuries to his face, according to the police. They were taken to NewYork-Presbyterian/Weill Cornell hospital for treatment and were sent home early Saturday morning, Mr. Darcy said.
The assault stemmed from a verbal argument between some of the attackers and Mr. Sliwa, the son of Curtis Sliwa, a former Republican mayoral candidate and the founder of the Guardian Angels, an anti-crime group.

As essential as her spare and pathbreaking UNKNOWN KURT WEILL record, this orchestral Teresa Stratas collection cements her mastery of Weill’s entire oeuvre, from the German to the French to the American. Her “Lonely House” hasn’t been topped.


Breaking from News 4 @nbcnewyork - Former NY Gov. Paterson attacked after he and son told some kids to get down from horsing around on a fire escape. Taken to Weill-Cornell to get checked out


A publication highlight from Meharry Medical College student KeAndreya Morrison's featuring a new article from Xin-Yun Huang from Weill Cornell Medicine. Read more here:

The science behind fight or flight
The science behind fight or flight

SBGrid member Xin-Yun Huang identifies distinct binding mechanisms between the stress hormone epinephrine and adrenergic receptors


Knisternde Kultur….

Vinyl Plattencover „Die Dreigroschenoper“
von Kurt Weill und Bertold Brecht.
Inszenierung von Lotte Lenya

🎶What keeps mankind alive? The fact that millions Are daily tortured Stifled, punished, silenced and oppressed Mankind can keep alive Thanks to its brilliance At keeping its Humanity repressed...🎶 - Kurt Weill/Bertolt Brecht

Lyrics- Tom Waits- What Keeps Mankind Alive
Lyrics- Tom Waits- What Keeps Mankind Alive

YouTube video by Bob Woodruff


This study was spearheaded by Sahil Batra, a postdoc in the Remus lab, and Benjamin Allwein, a graduate student of the BCMB PhD program at Weill Cornell Medicine/Sloan Kettering Institute in the Hite lab, with additional support from members of the Remus and Marians labs. 4/4