Dass alle Informationen immer irgendwie die Rezeption prägen, ist ja die zentrale Aussage des Textes und auch richtig. Ich persönlich kann aber zB eher noch einen Polanski-Film genießen, ohne dabei über Samantha Gailey nachzudenken, als einen Woody-Allen-Film, die oft inhärent icky sind. YMMV.


Tank! Tank! Tank! (WiiU) The reverse of some other recent games I've beaten, this is a pretty solid port of a super whatever arcade game. You move (badly) and you shoot (ymmv), there's not much else to the campaign. Multiplayer has a cool asymmetric 1v4 mode that I need to get a group together for.


yea athletic tape in an x has worked fine for me to that effect (although my chest is fairly small and it was for a more casual outfit so ymmv)


The plain one just makes her look like a total dirtbag ymmv


It's never going to live up to the other one in your mind. But if you buy the ticket, take the ride. It's fun & not terrible. It goes a bit wonky at the end/is somewhat anti-climactic, but it's probably the best remake we could get. Keep them separate & enjoy the new version, is my advice. Ymmv.


I've definitely spoken to folks who've done it both ways. I've personally had the best luck with writing out at least the first major plot of my story first. I can't necessarily chock up my previous failures to not have story first but it didn't help me, personally. I think ymmv.


I dunno, for me personally, "Hey, there are like 12 people left and the First Order is literally right behind us" is urgent enough for me. It's not any less urgent than the end of Empire, even though it's structured differently. YMMV.


If it has the receipts, it should get its money back. A handful of decent singles with a whole lot of filler and One which is one of my most despised songs (ymmv of course).


I just don't want to see everything so polished that no one takes a risk with anything weird anymore. I'd rather live in the world of strangeness with some misses than a riskless world with all hits but ymmv.


Here's the issue. C&W, like 99% of all rock genres, is lyrics-based. C&W adds the unacceptable Southern accent and the god-awful lyrics. Since I prefer to work to music...jazz fits. IMHO/YMMV--widely