"Extreme weather has made 2024 a ruinous year for European farmers. Charged by climate change, a savage cycle of droughts and floods, winter heat waves and late frosts has devastated agricultural areas."

Europe’s soil emergency
Europe’s soil emergency

Amid drought and flood disasters, inaction on restoring soil health is increasingly leaving farmland waterlogged and heat-cracked.


I spend a lot of time looking at insects and otherwise looking at the ground, etc. I'm an entomologist, and I teach a Agricultural Entomology course (among other subjects) so I spend a lot more time than the average person looking for small critters, plants, and so on.


Seriously. People are whatabouting our country's deluded agricultural practices as a reason... AI's water use is not that bad. Again, we have multiple problems. And y'all should read Cadillac Desert.


philosophers read one book about logic before using the study of logic in a facile argument challenge [difficulty: impossible]

a photo of text from Timothy Morton’s Humankind. It reads: 

But logic, with its "Law" of Noncontradiction and its consequent Law of the Excluded Middle, prohibits the very shades of gray that define small-l life as such. What does this tell us about logic? That it is, as Nietzsche argued, a product of the agricultural age (we live in a version of Mesopotamia) with its patriarchies and its caste systems.”

Restaurant owner Engelhart discusses that she is certain carbon sequestration is the answer to addressing GHGs produced by the agricultural, how she became apathetic in “liberal Los Angeles” and her contention that government is “supposed to be small” because “it says so in our Constitution.”


While the restaurant owner definitely comes off as super nutty on her own, and I question her grasp of the science of the agricultural practices she espouses and her understanding of proposed governmental actions, boy oh boy look at this the Epoch Times interviewer (Jekielek). Exaggerate much?

I was able to get much more land in Texas, and so l will be able to practice more of these regenerative principles on a larger scale. I will be able to feed more people free of excessive regulation. A few regulations can go a long way, but theres no need for the way it is here. If they have chased me out of California, I don't know what their endgame is. I have been here 20 years and I am deeply rooted in the community. What is their endgame? I don't know.

Mr. Jekielek:
There is an ideology that believes that humanity is a pestilence on the world, and we need to bring it back to nature. That's actually what the endgame is.

Law: You are not allowed to discharge into any waterways that are already badly polluted. Agricultural lobbyists: Due to our practices over the last 150 years, basically all our waterways are polluted. Can we therefore please continue to wantonly dump shit in those rivers as per normal? NZers:


@markets: South Africa’s Agricultural Business Chamber has raised its forecast for the country’s corn exports for the year ending April 2025 to 1.9 million tons


@business: South Africa’s Agricultural Business Chamber has raised its forecast for the country’s corn exports for the year ending April 2025 to 1.9 million tons