I really donā€™t get it because ā€œis likely voting for harris but isnā€™t that enthusiastic about it for obvious reasonsā€ represents the average American citizen, and instead of trying to rectify the problem theyā€™re just shouting them down for being insufficiently enthusiastic


American Horror Story virou uma bagunƧa tĆ£o triste!


The looks I got from big american flag truck dooders as I loaded eight 8-foot-long 2x4s into my little Yaris.


Related: a lot of people like to pretend their own self-loathing and anxiety onto the closest political party. Iā€™m convinced the thing that has actually killed American Democracy was the hipster fear of being earnest about anything. Hillary Clinton wasnā€™t ironic enough for them.


This could be a completely earnest Reddit post tbh

I remember how, in high school, Spanish was taught by Mr. Gomez, and you could spend years learning every single word. Forget that! Iā€™m sure Iā€™ve got the gist of it. I donā€™t need any classes or books, because I can speak Spanish without all that. I mean, Ā”Balunga el baguayo con blinko! Donā€™t tell me that didnā€™t sound Spanish! And it sure didnā€™t take three years of high school to learn. Forget that, Iā€™ve got a life!

I could see if Chinese took a long time to learn. I mean, look at it! But Spanish is pretty normal by comparison, with all those American letters and stuff. And, quite frankly, it looks real easy to speak. Iā€™ve heard people speaking Spanish, and theyā€™re not doing anything I canā€™t do. Theyā€™re just talking! Ever watch Sesame Street? They have little kids speaking Spanish on there! Are we supposed to believe these little kids graduated from high school already? Even Alejandro, this guy I work with at the Cinnabon at the mall, speaks Spanish, and heā€™s dumb as a stump! Heā€™s bare

A gentle reminder to all my fellow Americans abroad to send in those absentee ballots. Oh, and vote a straight Democratic ticket while youā€™re at it. We could really live without a petulant American Mussolini.


I agree. Those billions to Israel should be going to the American people instead. And we should be pushing for diplomacy between Russia/Ukraine instead of endlessly pushing an unwinnable war, though I support Ukraine resisting occupation the same way I support Palestine resisting theirs.


I have not claimed that American liberalism never wins anything, nor have I claimed that they never win anything significant. My claim is that American conservatism, when you look at the entire government for the past 44 years has been more successful. But of course there is some back-and-forth.