I’m just tired of thinking I want you but knowing it’s not right. I wish I could find anyone else but you’re just still here. I’m over you but I’m also over trying to find someone. I hate that.


Incorrect. We use it to describe tankies. I reserve the term for authoritarian leftists who cheer when the tanks show up and like to threaten people about who'll be "first against the wall." The kind of person who calls you a fascist for participating in US elections. Tankies.

screenshot of post by "Volodymyr Leneen" @2gay2pay saying "In the past few years, it has caught on with liberal groups, who have essentially begun using the term to describe almost anyone to the left of the Democratic Party mainstream."

After reading this I can say: 1. Wtf metrics are they using? "Code gen didn't speed code reviews." No shit, really? 2. No, AI isn't going to double or triple your speed. Anyone who says it will is lying. 3. AI still can't think. You need a human for that.

Devs gaining little (if anything) from AI coding assistants
Devs gaining little (if anything) from AI coding assistants

Code analysis firm sees no major benefits from AI dev tool when measuring key programming metrics, though others report incremental gains from coding copilots with emphasis on code review.


I don’t know why I’m giving anyone advice I haven’t been in a relationship in forever I just observe a lot of them from the outside


i don't want to tell about it to anyone


I long ago gave up on trying to make sense of Kiryu's attitude vs career choice in the Yakuza series, but Ryoma's repeated refusal to ever kill anyone with his sword while on a quest for revenge in a samurai drama is driving me up the damn wall.


Anyone checked on StickerMule Guy since this #JackSmith#OctoberSurprise dropped?


i got little ouchies on my mouth from the endoscopy tube does anyone wanna heal me :(


Cannot wait for nationwide high speed rail. Or even decent speed rail. Or even any better rail access at all. Also they should warn anyone flying on a 737-700 series who is pregnant, fat, or especially both, and extra especially if also traveling with a toddler, that you are not welcome there.


CBS News interviewed a worker who said the manager threatened to fire anyone who left. The manager denies it. Who wants to stay at work during a storm like this? People want to be at home, prepping for the storm and evacuating their families. I know who is likely to be telling the truth.