@BIRN_BTJ: In Croatia, thousands of Yugoslav-era monuments to the WWII anti-fascist struggle have been destroyed, looted and left to rot. The loss to collective memory, and to the country’s architectural and cultural heritage, is enormous. Read more:


What To Look Into While Outsourcing Global Commercial Architectural Design Services

What To Look Into While Outsourcing Global Commercial Architectural Design Services
What To Look Into While Outsourcing Global Commercial Architectural Design Services

Choosing a firm to design your commercial project architecture is one of the most significant business decisions to make. Thanks to the ne...


Apple’s Steve Jobs Theatre is a thing of architectural beauty. Am struck every time I visit.


Three Chinese megacities ease restrictions on buying homes. Beijing's central bank says it will ask financial institutions to lower mortgage rates, as the country seeks to pull itself out of a housing slump

A security guard stands on a walkway in the foreground, holding a smartphone and looking at the screen. He is dressed in a white shirt with black trousers and a black cap, and is positioned in front of several tall residential buildings. In the background, five high-rise apartment complexes tower, showcasing a modern architectural style with a mix of glass and concrete. The buildings feature a green and beige color palette, with balconies and window designs that indicate urban living. Below the buildings, a commercial area is visible, with signs partially obscured but suggesting retail and services. The sky appears partly cloudy, revealing a muted blue backdrop. The scene conveys a sense of urban life amid China's ongoing housing market developments.

I'm so fascinated by the house in the downtown area of Juneau because there's no cohesive architectural style. It's just random ass houses wedged against other random ass houses on the side of a mountain. It all looks precarious and intriguing.


even tho Boston Market was hot to go, they all had those solariums to say: it's nice for here too sometimes wendy's had them, never mcdonald's; do they have a technical architectural term?


Ha! Just noticed the first season of Slow Horses features a folly that I had included in my comic about ornamental hermits

To an aristocrat, the surrounding landscape offered the chance to shape the earth itself into an image of their own sophistication and authority. 

Colin Fanning, a white man with short hair and a beard wearing glasses, a button down shirt, and a sweater: At key points throughout the garden, one might come across an architectural focal point, broadly categorized as “follies”—ornamental structures that could provide places for a garden party to rest, take refreshment, enjoy the view, and furnish a spot for more solitary contemplation and reflection. 
The garden folly took many forms: Chinese Pagodas, Neoclassical Party Pavillions, Greco-Roman Temples, and Ruined "medieval" towers.
3 This video is REALLY cool! Dami Lee does amazing architectural analysis videos. Everything from analyzing pop cultural depictions of structures (esp. in sci fi) to talking about the profession and education to specific cities, structures, and design issues.

The Densest City In The World Had a Strange Secret...
The Densest City In The World Had a Strange Secret...

YouTube video by DamiLee



volumetric light rendering of a vaguely architectural scene