Long Tailed Comet SWAN Source: #CometWAN #Cmet #Space#Astronom #NightSky#SolarWind GreenCmet #Cetu #Aqurius #SOHO SWANCamera Stargazing #Astrohotography #Skywatcher

A telephoto image of Comet SWAN (C/2020 F8) with its greenish coma and long ion tail stretching across a starfield near the constellations Cetus and Aquarius. The comet was discovered by Australian amateur astronomer Michael Mattiazzo using images from the SOHO spacecraft's SWAN camera.  The comet is now visible to the naked eye in the morning twilight near the eastern horizon.

years, University of Pitsburgh astronomer George Gatewood recently announced that much of Lalande 21185's wobble is most likely due to an unseen planet with approximately 90% of the mass of Jupiter and an orbital period of 5.8 years. His work also indicates that a second and possibly third planet of


An intriguing simulation of Comet T-ATLAS by French astronomer Nicolas Lefaudeux shows as what may be in store over the next week, as forward scattering comes into play. Could we be in for a show like 1956’s Comet Arend-Roland? Check out Nicolas’ page:


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Emily Why do you have to be like this?

Weird candy corn bat mini squishmallow stuffy that is named Emily. Its tag narrative reads "Just like her older brother Bart, Emily loves space! Her dream is to become an astronomer so she can help name the new planets and stars that are discovered. Emily also enjoys studying astrology. In her free time, she uses her telescope to study star patterns and creates horoscopes for her friends."

To quote Sir Brian May, PhD: “Astronomy’s much more fun when you’re not an astronomer.”


Reysa Bernson (1904 - 1944) was a French astronomer. She founded the Association Astronomique du Nord in 1923. She was particularly known for her work popularizing astronomy in France through public demonstrations and the development of planetaria.

A printed black and white portrait of a young white woman with black hair and round glasses. It reads MLLE REYSA BERNSON at the bottom.

Halifax astronomer John Read is working to resurrect a small observatory at what he's calling Stargaze Nova Scotia. The 10-hectare parcel of land near Peggys Cove offers views of the night sky away from city lights.


Phases of the Moon Maria Clara Eimmart, 1697

17th century artist and astronomer, two panels featuring a crescent, and full moon, both with blue backgrounds

Stickney Crater, the largest crater on the martian moon Phobos, is named for Chloe Angeline Stickney Hall, mathematician and wife of astronomer Asaph Hall. Asaph Hall discovered both the Red Planet's moons in 1877. Over 9 kilometers across, Stickney is nearly half the diameter of Phobos itself, so