Big or small, you can always count on the government to show up and try to kill your new, giant carnival attraction.


Ugh. It's times like this I can see the attraction of living in California, weather-wise. "bUt wOuLdn'T YoU mIsS tHe SeAsoNs?" I hear you cry... Ha! The only "seasons" we seem to get here are: Wet Season, plus a few heatwavey days in "summer", usually. And yes I'm being flip; wildfires, I know.


i wasn't one of those "ew vagina" gays [thank god] but i certainly could not experience sexual or romantic attraction to femmes before hand.


Excited for colder seasons!🍁❄️ October already is full of awesome stuff! Like danse macabre attraction is opening!🪦👻🎻 Also halloween & fall vibes!👻🍁☕️ The streamers i like are doing a lot of cool things! :D And i really wanna bake pumpkin shaped cookies!🎃🍪 And prob many more stuff! :D Excited! :3


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she'll never return again polarize polarize the seasons will bend there will soon be proof that there is no alien just a system of truth and lies the reason the language and the law of attraction


it’s just… in this day and age, it is not enough to have pronouns and same-sex attraction(s) to be queer, and the *perversion* of the leather lineage especially the leatherDYKE lineage is structurally integral. you do not have leatherdykesex without sex perverts, period bar none.


Bisexuality isn’t “Half-Gay and Half-Straight”. Bisexuality is its own thing and for many it is more complex than “I like both”. Most Bisexuals (as an umbrella term) have very diverse perspectives regarding sexual attraction and we express it in many different ways. It’s more complex than 50/50.


Interesting stuff! Though perhaps more a sort of extrapolation from the classic comedy / tragedy distinction (ie, whether the social / civic rift of the story's plot is mended or left open) than an entirely new formulation

Like chess, literary romance is a combinatoric system, and was so long before Fitzwilliam Darcy and his £10,000 per annum showed up at the Netherfield ball. (In this respect, among others, the genre also shares, to use Wittgenstein’s term, a certain ‘family resemblance’ to pornography.) Typically, literary romance is based on conflicts between structure (the norms of class, race, sexuality, physical appearance, number, age, and so on) that govern relationship-formation in a given society and agency (the sense, common to all lovers, that the exceptional circumstances of their special attraction are uninfluenced by and ought not be beholden to these norms). If, in this game, structure, using the various psychological, social and economic sanctions at its disposal, wins, the romance is a tragedy. If, however, the lovers steadfastly resist and overcome the pressures of these sanctions, agency wins, and it is a comedy. The task of the literary romance novelist, of whom Rooney is perhaps the

I feel sorry for Aemond, imagine living through such a thing. Him, of all people. He'll be wondering why is it that this is happening, is it a punishment from the Seven for his shameful desires and attraction? Still, he can't deny the twisted pleasure that strikes him every time it happens.