Can’t believe Steve Baker, lead hard Brexiteer, on Newsnight complaining about a lack of growth and unsustainable public finances.


Perhaps shielding relies on mainstream ignorance of specific groups and attitudes when those groups and attitudes aren’t covered in media the way, say brexiteer fishing boat owners are?


I see that Movietrubs is once again claiming that I am a) "A frothing fan of the British Empire" (as opposed to a cautious critic thereof) and that b) some Internet rando who happened to disagree with him was me and that c) I'm a Brexiteer. Rent free in your psychotic little head, aren't I chum?


Labour SACKS all Tory-appointed trade advisors – including top Brexiteer. Tony Abbott, Daniel Hannan, and David Meller given the boot 🥾

Labour SACKS all Tory-appointed trade advisors - including top Brexiteer
Labour SACKS all Tory-appointed trade advisors - including top Brexiteer

A climate-change denier and a top Tory donor have also been given the boot, as Labour officials look to reshape the Board of Trade.


I know. The arch Brexiteer who thinks Brexit hasn't been delivered properly & that there's a place in the Tory party for Farage. Whether he could organise proverbial piss-up is incidental (Dowden? Holden?): it's 5 years before his campaign organisational mettle is really tested. In the meantime ...


In 2024, eight years after calling for terms like Remain or Brexiteer to be "put to bed" in the interests of national unity, the former Remain advocate is running for the leadership of the Conservative Party adopting the slogan "its remain or leave. I'm for leave" about his position on the ECHR


Robert Jenrick's initial reaction to EU referendum had a good spirit. - Important to respect & implement the result - As a Remain advocate, he was concerned by implications: for free market access, farming, universities - Protect EU nationals - Time to let "Remainer" and "Brexiteer" go to unite