So the broligarchs have rigged the system such that no matter what they achieve massive profits while everyone without a VP title struggles to make ends meet and decides that maybe they shouldn't have children, and now the broligarchs are screaming that we need more whyte babies....


@washingtonpost to its readers: "No see, you don't understand, the truth is that you're all just idiots!" #wapo#MediaBias#MediaCoverage#media#MSM#journalism#JournalismMatters#broligarchs#EatTheRich

Screenshot of Washington Post website article. Headline: "Opinion | The media is ignoring the Trump threat! Well, except for all these stories." A red arrow added to the screenshot points to the top news story in the sidebar. Its headline reads: "Opinion | A sitting VP has won once in 188 years. Harris isn't likely to be next."

From Richard Arkwright to Henry Ford to the silicon valley broligarchs these new pioneers are always brutal monopolists with a sideline in hard right politics. Mainly because the quickest way to the top in any industry is to fuck over anyone who you see as a rival then gatekeep anyone else out.


As always, it's only the shitty part of sci-fi that is being brought into reality by the tech broligarchs. Wake me up when I can fly a damned Viper against some Cylons....


And, I might add after carefully reading the above, getting away from the Silicon Valley Broligarchs and the mysoginist pervs is almost impossible! 😒 They pop up like “mushrooms” so to speak. 😏


That should be a major talking point. Broligarchs will do great no matter who is in power, but they can rape the American public best with MAGA & GOP. Tax cuts, deregulation of every thing, exploiting the masses because no one stops them in MAGA world.


Surely it's a sign of his broad-based appeal! He's not just for tech broligarchs; the olds like him too! 🤣


He’s famous. He’s been divorced. He has a history of substance abuse, complete with relapse. Clearly he is a cool guy the broligarchs can relate to. What, he has opinions? So he’s “controversial” too? Neato!


The AI boom has shown the tech broligarchs are almost always only good at one thing and not that smart when it comes to anything else, the tech equivalent of that guy from The British Museum who was illegally selling artefacts on ebay from his work email.