Honored to have our paper featured on the cover of this month's issue of Hormones & Behavior! See below for more details on our study, which explored cognitive and behavioral associations with plasma oxytocin and fecal cortisol in dog puppies. #CanineScience 🐶🩸💩🧪


Unlike Skinner's superstitious pigeons, new research suggests that dogs understand the causal relationship and instead overimitate their caregiver for social reasons. Read the study here 👉

Dogs with prior experience of a task still overimitate their caregiver - Scientific Reports
Dogs with prior experience of a task still overimitate their caregiver - Scientific Reports

Scientific Reports - Dogs with prior experience of a task still overimitate their caregiver


A new study shows that gifted dogs can recall object names at least two years later. Read the study here 👉 #dog#dogs#science#caninescience#research


If that piques your interest, I hope you’ll give the paper a read and let me know what you think! It’s out now in Hormones & Behavior, with free access for the next month:,QxXo...#BehavioralEndocrinology#CanineScience 7/8

Screenshot of abstract. Full text accessible at link:,QxXoKLV

We then looked for associations between hormone concentrations and performance on a battery of cognitive and behavioral tasks (conducted a few days after the samples were taken). #CanineScience#AnimalBehavior#ComparativeCognition 4/8

Photos of the different behavioral and cognitive tasks. Retrieval of a thrown ball, step up and down laterality (paw-usage), point-following between one of two cups, novel marker gesture following between one of two cups, inhibitory control cylinder task, robotic cat novel object, unsolvable task puzzle persistence and human-oriented gaze, spatial working memory between one of two cups, human-oriented gaze during dog-directed speech and physical contact afterwards, visual discrimination of food on plates, auditory discrimination of food falling into metal bowls, odor discrimination of food in rubber toys, surprising events opening umbrella and metal sheet.

Basal plasma oxytocin & fecal cortisol concentrations are highly heritable and associated with individual differences in behavior & cognition in dog puppies. 🐶 Another dissertation paper out! 🎉,QxXo... 1/8

Graphical abstract. Basal plasma oxytocin & fecal cortisol concentrations are highly heritable and associated with individual differences in behavior & cognition in dog puppies. Blood tube labeled 7.5-week blood with arrow to immunoassay plate. Pooping dog, labeled 6-week fecals, with arrow to immunoassay plate. Hormone heritability estimates showing extremely high heritability for oxytocin (h2 ≥ 0.9) and moderately high for cortisol (h2 = 0.4-0.5). Figures showing phenotypic associations for oxytocin: spatial working memory (positive linear and quadratic) and motor laterality (negative quadratic). Figures showing phenotypic associations for cortisol: inhibitory control (negative linear) and a robotic cat novel object (negative quadratic).