Weird Danish thing #36: Every time you buy a box of eggs in the store, they put an elastic band over it at the cash register. Not sure what this is about, and I'm sitting on a hoard of elastic bands at home now...

A photo of a carton of 10 eggs, held together by a small elastic band.

246. Je me souviens de Pauline Carton et de la chanson « Sous les palétuviers » extraite de l'opérette « Toi, c'est moi ».


Symbolbild, erster Tag nach der Wahl in Österreich.

The image shows a spilled carton of chocolate milk lying on an asphalt surface. The carton is partially crushed, with the open top facing sideways, allowing the chocolate milk to flow out and form a small puddle on the ground. The scene captures a moment of accidental waste on a rough street texture.

Top notch cat. High effort cat. She's almost twice as much cat per ounce as the average cat.

A brown tabby cat is partially visible, peeking out from inside a crumpled brown paper bag. The bag is open at the top and the front, showing the cat’s face and some boxed items behind it. Visible near the paper bag is a yellow carton box of La Croix lemon-flavored sparkling water with six cans, placed on a wooden floor amidst a few small, indistinct objects and a fuzzy gray item likely to be a piece of fabric or blanket. The background includes a portion of a white wall and a dark-colored door.

Took my Mom to Sobeys yesterday to grab some groceries and her carton of milk spilled all over the back seat. Thank God we have leather seats, so it was quick to clean up, but man, was that messy.


Tiens, c'est juste celle de la ville (j'ai piqué la photo sur leur site) à droite les gros conteneurs pour carton-bois-papier-ferraille-incinération devant, les collecteurs de vêtements-chaussures à gauche, plastique, verre, alu, ampoules, électroménager, déchets spéciaux et dangereux


if you have never experienced the distinct pleasure of washing down a piping-hot Montreal/Ottawa bagel with a little carton of chocolate milk, then I'm sorry, but you're doing bagels wrong.


Si ça pouvait servir d'exemple ici 🤷 Mais non En plus meloni a fait un carton aux européennes 😭


I dunno if it's the *best* but has endured in my memory: a gf and I brought a bottle of vodka and a carton of OJ into a double feature of Nosferatu and Gothic at the 8th Street Playhouse. As we got progressively drunker, the entire experience became a complete hallucination.


C'est quoi du cross training ? Tu te traînes avec des haltères de crossfit ? Je suis remonté à vélo avec un carton de 5kg de café du cicp à télégraphe, je vois ce que tu veux dire par 93 ans