Sodeju, ik zit naar het best aardige 'Apollo e Daphne' van Handel te luisteren maar wordt pas echt omvergeblazen door onderstaande aria uit 'Giulio Ceasare’. Wat een schoonheid!


The air and situation are so HOT.. they are so sexy. Cesare is truly red flag, but he's so 🥵 Adele and Cesare Manhwa : High Society #highsociety#manhwakorean#manga#ceasare#adele#manhwa


Cole's final appearance in these logs, August 25th 2019, features him getting yelled at after attacking Austin "Augustus Invictus" Gillespie for fathering non-white children. He appears in no further entries in this series of logs between this date and his September indictment.

A screen-capture of Torch Network's Patriot Front leaks, dated August 25th 2019, wherein P.F. founder Thomas Rousseau shows off an unbelievably shitty logo pitch he personally made for Augustus Invictus, with an immediate reply made by P.F. member Brenner Cole a/k/a "James TX." Timestamps and serial numbers have been removed.

Thomas Rousseau: "Full disclosure, I did make him a logo idea as a pitch. More of a 'here's an idea to go for.' I think he's a genuinely good person, in spite of some widely varying artistic preferences. We don't work closely together, though, note that.

"Since it's not being used, no harm in sharing it." Rousseau then posts the logo mock-up.

Cole's reply: "Invictus: 'Stop white genocide'

"Has mixed kids."
A screen-capture of Torch Network's Patriot Front leaks, dated August 25th 2019, wherein Brenner Cole a/k/a "James TX" relents on his opinions of Augustus Invictus after getting yelled at by other members for over an hour. Timestamps, serial numbers, and statements besides Cole's have been removed.

Cole: "Alright I can't fling shit Augustus is doing good stuff and everyone makes mistakes. I think he should stick to being a lawyer tho, this group seems to be a personality cult and he sounds like a giant larper, naming his kids 'Sol, 'Luna,' 'Odysseus,' and 'Ceasare,' Lol"

Cole: "Don't get me wrong they are cool names, historically, but [I don't know] about some of those names in contemporary America. I'm down to be an 'Indian' or grunt if you will. I'm not really much of a leader, just not my personality. I'm more suited to be a soldier, [et cetera]."

A dneska finito. Zatím 10x ztracené bednění, 14 pytlů betonu. Mám dost, jdu prát, skládat oblečení a dal se starat o pořádek uvnitř. "Prý tomu říkají víkend, o ceasare!" (chápete, že jo? Z Asterixe v Británii... ⚔️)


Ich habe in Sims das Zimmer von Sloane bei ihren Eltern gebaut und es hat mir so viele Infos zum Charakter gegeben *-* Demigod kann kommen Funfact: als Ceasare weg war hat Sloane in ihrer Obsession ihre Fische nach Göttern benannt. Sie hat Artemis, Demeter und Athene xD Es sind Engel-Antennenwelse