*fda, stupid autocorrect loves confidentiality


Cute. In November 2022, the Democrat Governor of New Jersey signed an executive order to allow transgender individuals privacy, dignity and confidentiality when formally changing a legal name on forms and documents.


Reading aloud is a good discipline, and reading aloud in pairs is an excellent means of proofreading But no friend or family member is going to look at a 200-page draft of an arbitration memorial. Even if there were no confidentiality obligations, I'd still love them too much to inflict it on them.Reading aloud is a good discipline, and reading aloud in pairs is an excellent means of proofreading But no friend or family member is going to look at a 200-page draft of an arbitration memorial. Even if there were no confidentiality obligations, I'd still love them too much to inflict it on them.


I would regard this situation as being covered by rC21.4 which is one of the scenarios when you should not accept instructions. I guess there's a nice legal point as to whom the duty of confidence is owed (The other barrister? His / her client?) but I'm not sure it is necessary to resolve that.

.4 there is a real risk that information confidential to another former or existing client, or any other person to whom you owe duties of confidence, may be relevant to the matter, such that if, obliged to maintain confidentiality, you could not act in the best interests of the prospective client, and the former or existing client or person to whom you owe that duty does not give informed consent to disclosure of that confidential information; or

Fully Privacy-preserving Billing Models for Peer-to-Peer Electricity Trading Markets (Akash Madhusudan, Mustafa A. Mustafa, Hilder V.L. Pereira, Erik Takke)

Abstract. Peer-to-peer energy trading markets enable users to exchange electricity, directly offering them increased financial benefits. However, discrepancies often arise between the electricity volumes committed to in trading auctions and the volumes actually consumed or injected. Solutions designed to address this issue often require access to sensitive information that should be kept private.

This paper presents a novel, fully privacy-preserving billing protocol designed to protect users’ sensitive consumption and production data in the context of billing protocols for energy trading. Leveraging advanced cryptographic techniques, including fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) and pseudorandom zero sharing (PRZS), our protocol ensures robust security and confidentiality while addressing the critical issue of managing discrepancies between promised and actual electricity volumes. The proposed protocol guarantees that users’ sensitive information remains inaccessible to external parties, including the trading platform and billing server. By utilizing FHE, the protocol allows computations on encrypted data without compromising privacy, while PRZS ensures secure aggregation of individual discrepancies of each household. This combination of cryptographic primitives maintains data privacy and enhances billing accuracy, even when fluctuations in energy supply and demand occur.

We analyze real-time consumption and production data from 100 households to experimentally validate the effectiveness and efficiency of our billing model. By implementing a flexible framework compatible with any billing method, we demonstrate that our protocol can accurately compute individual bills for 100 households in approximately 0.17 seconds.
Image showing part 2 of abstract.

As long as the information is used appropriately and with expectation of confidentiality I see no problem. 😒🙄


This is great reporting, but could you state up front that the name of the new fuel chemical is unknown because the EPA withheld it due to business confidentiality? Some of us are chemists and energy analysts, and want to look it up to see what they are hoping to do.


Maintain Confidentiality: Respect the privacy and confidentiality of sensitive information shared with you. This shows that you can be trusted to handle sensitive matters with discretion.


If you fear voting because it makes your address public, not safe in case of domestic violence or stalking for example, there is this wonderful thing, the address confidentiality program.