If you, as a driver, need to interact with a touchscreen while on the move to adjust basic functions like ventilation and heating/cooling, that's time where your eyes are forced away from the road ahead. That's not great for road safety. Physical buttons, dials and slide controls are much safer.


Spectroscopically resolved partial phase curve of the rapid heating and cooling of the highly-eccentric Hot Jupiter HAT-P-2b with WFC3 Bob Jacobs et al.

Spectroscopically resolved partial phase curve of the rapid heating and cooling of the highly-eccentric Hot Jupiter HAT-P-2b with WFC3
Spectroscopically resolved partial phase curve of the rapid heating and cooling of the highly-eccentric Hot Jupiter HAT-P-2b with WFC3

arXiv abstract link


One reason I wanted a dog was to get me moving and out of the house. During the summer that's difficult for me because of how hot it gets, but it's cooling down now and I'm hit with major flares from my disease so it hurts like hell to walk my dog. I hate this shit.


Dominion was approved to build a ESBWR at that site in 2017 and hasn't done shit because they don't have the cooling


It begins: The Soupening™️. Garlic and onion ready to heat up, while roasted red peppers and tomatoes cool down. And before you scream, “But Julie! What about your onion allergy?!” I seem to be okay with cooked onions now. So we will see.

Chopped onion and garlic in the bottom of a pot.
A foil-lined baking sheet with rows of roasted red peppers and roasted tomatoes cooling down so they can be peeled and put in the pot.

It was a chilly, gloomy morning, so I baked these chocolate cupcakes. Then topped them off with some vanilla icing.

A dozen chocolate cupcakes topped with vanilla icing, cooling on top of a wire rack

If you are operating on the assumption that meeting all of this new electricity demand with clean sources will be an effortless, lightweight, thoughtless little breeze with PLENTY of leftover time, money, tech and political will, you might see no problem with the red slice.............

Figure 4.11 Electricity demand growth by end-use in the STEPS, 2023-2030, and data centre sensitivity cases Electricity demand growth, 2023-30 6 760 TWh Electricity demand sensitivities for data centres, 2030 200 150 100 50 X Data centres Space heating Desalination Heavy industry Spare cooling -50 -100 -150 Dafa centres account for a small share of global elechictly demand growth to 2020. and plausible high and low sensitivities do not change the outlook fundamentally Note: Other includes electricity demand from from agriculture, Electricity for generation, nor transmission or distribution losses demand does not indude any

*Sensible chuckle* But seriously, because its the cooling pond of the nuclear plant there the water gets warming the closer you get to the plant and it gets so warm you can even enjoy warm water in winter. I mean, if you trust the science that you aren't going to die of radiation, its actually nice


Chicken? Tasty. Bread? Cooling. Popcorn? Delicious. Excuses? Fresh out, so I am sitting down with a pot of oolong tea to go through the archives parlementaires….

The chicken from earlier, now cooked, lemon slices caught, vegetables swimming in jus under the chicken.
Load of sourdough, pleasingly brown, cooling on a wire rack
Golden popcorn in a glass bowl, tea pot and notebook visible in the background

The IEA's report is good. It accurately highlights that the problem isn't some sort of country-destroying, grid-obliterating Akira-style uncontrolled expansion - but still problematic It is intense, significant and deleterious *regional damage*, due mainly to the high spatial concentration of DCs:

The clustering of data centres is driven by the benefits of proximity to infrastructure such as
fibre optic cables and power resources; to customers, particularly those with a need for nearreal
time access to data, like financial services companies; and to existing business
ecosystems and talent pools. Location decisions are also driven by incentives and regulation,
and by climatic considerations: cooler places have lower cooling needs. Spatial concentration
is already creating tensions, with several jurisdictions issuing moratoria on further data
centre development or taking steps to restrict it.
Overall, significant electricity demand increase from data centres is inevitable, but the extent
of growth is uncertain. In any likely scenario, however, data centres look set to remain a
relatively small driver of overall electricity demand growth at the global level in the decade
to come. Nonetheless, constraints at the local level may be significant. To ensure that the
outlook for data centre demand growth is better understood and that actual growth is met
sustainably, policy makers, the energy industry and the technology sector need to work more
closely together to enhance data sharing, strengthen regulatory dialogue, improve
efficiencies, scale up low-emissions electricity supply and mitigate local bottlenecks.
Data centres have an exceptionally high spatial concentration, which has significant
implications for local power grids, given their substantial power requirements
Notes: The concentration is calculated as the inverse of the linearised Nearest Neighbour Index, which is a
mathematical representation of how clustered or dispersed each category is, calculated via the ratio of the
observed mean distance to the expected mean distance. Power plants include both conventional facilities as
well as renewable energy system