Good Morning! On this day, (Sat.) October 19 in 1850 Annie Smith Peck was born. She was an American mountaineer and adventurer. The northern peak of the Peruvian Cordillera Blanca mountain chain, was named Cumbre Aña Peck in her honor. She was an ardent suffragist and public speaker.


Look! No volcanic arc hiatus in the middle of the period some people want no subduction under South America! Read the linked paper and see how their geochemistry is most consistent with a subduction related origin.

A simplified chronostratographic column for Central Chile's Coastal Cordillera and neighboring ranges now in the Andean forearc. Purple-pinkish material is intrusive igneous rock related to the volcanic arc in the  Paleozoic and early to mid Mesozoic.

"Se dice que en la cima de la cordillera, los Flamantines vuelan por las heladas montañas en busca de viajeros perdidos. Con su calor reconfortante, ayudan a quienes están en sus últimos momentos, brindándoles calor y esperanza en situaciones extremas."


Also I finally got an SSD to reinstall xiv in so I will soon need a place to scream about the not!Cordillera de los Andes zone


#16Oct | 10:45 HLV - Situación meteorológica actual sobre la Gran Caracas. Prevalecen los cielos con nubosidad parcial a fragmentada sobre buena parte de la entidad, principalmente sobre sectores de Miranda; sin embargo, se observa mayor presencia de nubosidad sobre la cordillera de la costa y al ..