Come ride the Derfflinger Art Train time (^ー^) (Even if your not tagged, feel free to join in! )


😘 it’s so much fun when kids get some weird ideas and we get to figure them out. Another fave from past yrs was “zombie bat that’s already decomposing”. Also had an absolute BLAST a few yrs ago being Stella (birthmarked bootlegger) and Ghostdaddy (mantid godmonster) from Daryl Gregory’s “Revelator”

Me (white femme) as Stella (birthmarked bootlegger from Appalachian holler) and kid as Ghostdaddy (mantid godmonster). I’ve got noticeable sprawling facial birthmarks, a blue plaid shirt, overalls, a rifle, and a name tag. Kid has white sweats, a mesh face covering, an extra pair of legs thru the sweatshirt pocket, and cardboard mantid arms.

I love the vibe of the new Kep1er concept trailer! It feels a bit different from anything they’ve done in the past and I think it really suits them :)

Kep1er’s Youngeun wearing a green sweater and a fuzzy hat getting her nails filed while she sips a drink from a straw.
Kep1er’s Hikaru’s hands with multiple colorful rings on top of her red cardigan with large silver buttons.
Kep1er’s Bahiyyih wearing a red beret tilting her head and looking upwards.
A close up of Kep1er’s Chaehyun with long pink bangs covering her eyes.

Which makes less sense. If tge rest of those guys are still serving, there's a fair chance this story has hit their base already. They would have already looked into it because covering up a gun shot wound around military personnel is quite a feat.


Pod covering facinating research that verifies organic brain differences in left / right political thinking. Basically, right wingers are more fearful/reactive due to more amygdala brain matter. Bonus Colin Firth mentions 😊

How our brain structure may determine our political beliefs
How our brain structure may determine our political beliefs

Podcast Episode · The Morning Edition · 20/10/2024 · 17m


This is Oje, an abyssal from a WoD vs Exalted game! She helped ghosts pass peacefully into the underworld - and you know, avenged murders, saved kids from being turned in kaiju, learned the ancient forbidden arts of the first vampires and sent the old gods to oblivion. Normal stuff.

A digital color piece of a human-looking woman standing outside in the night. The scene is heavily cool and blue. The woman leans on the railing of a roof, looking upward to the skies looking for a particular star. She has darker skin, and a long, well covering dress that shimmers like an oil-slick. It has gold chain details in the neck and at the bottom. She also wears a pair of hammered gold hoops, and a gold crown with the sumbol of a black hole in the center of her forehead. The crown holds her veil in place over her hijab. Her eyes are almost fully black save for a ring of gold around her pupil, and dark tattoos run from her eyes like symbolic tear-stains, as well as having a similar darkness on her fingertips.

Covering a shift for a coworker. It's a little slow but I've gotten to talk to every customer about our big move so that's very cool. Two weeks!!


Final Fantasy 8 has a lot of memories for me. I grew up watching my mom play it (and also suffered the worst grounding I've ever had after I accidentally saved over her end-game file..). To me, 8 was everything people kept saying 7 was.

Prmotional art of Squall Leonhart from Final Fantasy 8. He looks at the viewer with his sword covering half his face. There is a scar that comes down between his eyes. His sword has a lion etching, which has fire extending from it.

My journalistic opinion on covering Trump making dick jokes at rallies is that if you omit it because it seems declassé or salacious and it's house style to avoid that sort of thing, the institution needs to revisit house style, and stop worrying about manners.


To open the new year, Computer Chronicles is covering the hot new technology of 1986: Artificial Intelligence.

Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence

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