This is very good. There’s an understandable degree of cynicism around pro cycling but perhaps we are just witnessing the greatest cyclist of all time, and ought to simply enjoy it.

Tadej Pogacar has delivered an alternative reality for the true believers | Jonathan Liew
Tadej Pogacar has delivered an alternative reality for the true believers | Jonathan Liew

Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy? With 23 titles in one rhapsodic year, the Slovenian has made an art of winning


One ride: good Two rides: better. So a shadowy selfie is called for. Because every journey, no matter how seemingly trivial it may seem, deserves an accompanying memory. #ldnont#cycling#life

A shadowy self portrait of a cyclist on an orange bicycle.

Na dann mal auf in den Kampf… #mdRzA

Militanter Kampfradler an einer Straßenkreuzung. Auf seinem T-Shirt steht „Armed Cyclist“. An seinem Fahrrrad sind zahlreiche Rückleuchten angebracht, sowie mehrere seitlich angebrachte Fahnen, welche die Einhaltung des Sicherheitsabstands beim Überholen anmahnen

lol 1st, good work I like your priorities 2nd, on the ride home today I was thinking about how I am an avid cyclist and that I am an entitled cyclist! I wanna retake those “slurs” and make them my own


Entitled Cyclist Checklist Check all that apply or your own!

Joke entitled cyclist meme about 

Safe streets, protected, intersections, and Tree lined bikeways 

You are not an entitled cyclist if you just want to exist on a public roadway

Fellow cyclist here. I agree 100%. On a mixed-use path, the bell means, "hello, I'm here!"


I just drove down lyndale avenue for and entire 20 blocks, behind a car that was afraid to pass a cyclist who was weaving in and out of the bike lane, wearing earbuds


My unpopular opinion as a long time (some might even say "avid") cyclist: bells warn slower people ahead that you're approaching, but on multi-use paths they're not at all obligated to jump to the side for you. The faster traveler is obligated to wait until it's safe to pass.

A comic of two foxes, one of whom is blue, the other is green. In this one, Green approaches as Blue is angrily tapping on his computer.
Green: What are you up to?
Blue: Downloading all the most ominous songs I can find.

Green looks confused as Blue looks up to him, still full of disgruntled determination.
Green: Why?
Blue: So that I can play them while riding on my scooter.

Green's confusion deepens, as Blue turns back to his computer, still frowning.
Green: ...Why?
Blue: Because pedestrians on the bike path don't react to the bell.

Outside, Blue is riding his electric scooter, going sauntering speed behind an orange fox, who looks up into the air, puzzled, but nonetheless completely oblivious to Blue riding right behind him, the music playing from the loudspeaker hanging from the handle of his scooter, and the frustrated wordless seething radiating from Blue fox himself.
Orange, thinking: Why do I hear boss music?

As a cyclist in Minneapolis from 2005-present, the bike infrastructure is dramatically better. At the time the best you could hope for—the type of infrastructure you would go out of your way for—would be a paint stripe between vehicle traffic and parking.