CBS will not fact check during the debate. Cowards. William Paley and Murrow rolling in their graves. Fear of dictator threats dictates how they handle lies and propagandaCBS will not fact check during the debate. Cowards. William Paley and Murrow rolling in their graves. Fear of dictator threats dictates how they handle lies and propaganda


CBS is actively piling sticks on the fascist bonfire by validating MAGA dictator warnings. They gamed the refs, and CBS is just okay with that. Scream our opinion about CBS’s capitulation; create a blowback and create consequences for the media’s cowardice and utter failure of responsibility


The choice is not necessarily between a dictator and a democracy. We can also have theocracies (arguably in Ireland until fairly recently), or aristocracies (arguably in England now).


At one point, the guy even claimed things were better under Franco, the fascist dictator who used to rule Spain. I laughed so hard I couldn't breathe. How fucking ridiculous was that? This was 2009, the concept of internet-poisoned ironic fascism hadn't even entered my life back then! 🧵


If some silly shit like "feeling condescended towards" is sufficient to motivate someone to support a wannabe dictator and obvious white supremacist, they're welcome to feel that way and can go suck a bag of dicks while they're at it.


Calm down and think about it. If you force your selfish desires onto everyone in the name of justice, that would make you no different from a dictator who executes whoever he wants on a whim.


grey zone are paid propagandists who get chauffeured around by a dictator while calling dead children gassed by assad crisis actors. you are no different than an alex jones listener


I would die for him. My sweet boy. My love. Mein sohn. Velcro child. Tiny boy. Trash man. Dickwad. Dictator of the household. Owner of my soul. I love him 🥹


But just one night of Kristallnacht. Just one night of the Purge. And just one day of being a dictator. Then you'll never have to vote again. It'll all be fixed so good you'll never think of abortion again.


The one who ordered the missile to be launched was the mafia dictator Putin, owner of slaves from the ORClandia federation.