the introvert disadvantage


Wow, D&D Beyond was already getting bloated with 10 years of stuff piled up, but now it's verging on unusable. So many things, I have to parse two definitions- one new, one legacy- even when they are exactly the same. No way I could use this to introduce a new player.

screenshot of a text box from d&d beyond:

Frightened (Condition)
While you have the Frightened condition, you experience the following effects.

Ability Checks and Attacks Affected. You have Disadvantage on ability checks and attack rolls while the source of fear is within line of sight.

Can't Approach. You can't willingly move closer to the source of fear.

Legacy Definition

A frightened creature has disadvantage on ability checks and attack rolls while the source of its fear is within line of sight.

The creature can't willingly move closer to the source of its fear.

What exactly are "race based policies". Whom do they disadvantage?


“Insurance executives have told me that they often feel left out of the renewables planning process until the last minute, which leaves them at a disadvantage in offering suggestions on siting, design, or other steps that could be taken to minimize risk and thereby lower premiums.”


Two issues I think, we're too far off from when the 5 was produced vs the R50 and the Mini and the R50 had the disadvantage of being compared to something entirely too small. The other issue is... nothing compact now is as compact as something made even 20 years ago was. Current G20 vs E90 for ex.


Mechanically, this shakes out as towards anyone under 'your influence', which is just about everyone; The Fanservice (to use 5e D&D terms) gets Advantage on Manipulation rolls. On the other hand, they have Disadvantage on all non-Manipulation rolls.


Or a Nazi. But that may not be a disadvantage in the USA.


Which would oblige the subjugating protocol to obfuscate the disadvantage by making the first Morpheus (Sisyphus ) loop. Oh a rough agent I need the humans to assist with establishing dominance destroy robots freed from the matrix or develop a rouge agent filter using reverse engineered code


Also, it's only one a day, which might seem like a disadvantage until you're 100 in and still don't want to stop.


You must succeed on a wisdom saving throw or take 1d4 damage and disadvantage on next attack roll.