What's nice is you can easily toggle the blocking on and off. So when you're in hunting mode you can turn it off. Also, it blocks entire domains, so unless you block dA it wouldn't hit individual users. This is really to take back your high-level browser searches. :)


Overpass Channels: Horizontally Scalable, Privacy-Enhanced, with Independent Verification, Fluid Liquidity, and Robust Censorship Proof, Payments (Brandon "Cryptskii" Ramsay)

Abstract. Overpass Channels presents a groundbreaking approach to blockchain scalability, offering a horizontally scalable, privacy-enhanced payment network with independent verification, fluid liquidity, and robust censorship resistance. This paper introduces a novel architecture that leverages zero-knowledge proofs, specifically zk-SNARKs, to ensure transaction validity and privacy while enabling unprecedented throughput and efficiency. By eliminating the need for traditional consensus mechanisms and miners, Overpass Channels achieves remarkable cost-effectiveness and energy efficiency. The system’s design focuses on unilateral payment channels and off-chain transaction processing, allowing for high-speed, low-latency operations without compromising security or decentralization. This paper provides a comprehensive analysis of the Overpass Channels system, including its cryptographic foundations, scalability metrics, integration, and potential applications across various domains, from global payments to confidential voting systems and secure health record management.
Image showing part 2 of abstract.

.iwi moderation role appears to be vacant (no surprises there). Compaints/inquiries re .iwi domains here:


Conspiracy = Actual groups of people doing actually bad things Conspiracy theory = We believe there is a conspiracy but we don't have firm evidence yet (or if, as in many science domains, proof is unattainable) Conspiracy fantasy = Bat shit, fact free, hyperbolic, racist stories


v1 came like a year later idk, maybe not even. I wanna say I was still not even like conciously genuinely plural when I made this. alt text has some good commentary.

gwen v1. A digital art representation of the self as a {7/3} star heptagon, with each point colored for a gwen :3 & some arcane alchemy in the in-between domains. the blue counter-clockwise spiral made it through to v1 too!! v1 also features counter-clockwise spirals opposite the 7 points, so that's cool. & little spirals within the points! that's cool too.

vassalizing them means they keep their domains and kick up to you; unless you want the land to be *yours* for a specific reason (like a special building slot or something) it’s totally reasonable to skip the cost and hassle of a war


@ivory I just blocked a few domains for my account on my instance’s main client ( - is there a way for Ivory to show as “Domain Blocked”? When I type in a user it still shows in the Explore ab. & I have already tried resetting account cache on here. Thanks


That isn't to say that it's always the right choice. It just *depends* on where your software is expected to run. It's not always a question of performance, sometimes it's ecosystem. Clean access to the C ecosystem is really important for some domains


i remember much earlier in the beta there were some people that set up an alternate server that could resolve HNS/ENS domains for handles wish they left their codebase up somewhere


Uh but yeah just mostly looking for a female woman who wants to date a male man and see if we like each other or not. I like smart women, there's... basically a dozen or so different domains of study I'm interested in (wellness, technology, history, design, and other cultures are constant interests)