denial is a river in egypt 🫡


pretty sure this is the one from the great courses. really in depth covering dynastic Egypt. good but get ready for Bob's glowing account of the looting of an Egyptian obelisk to NYC like it's just fine and good that Americans and Europeans have more Egyptian obelisk than Egypt does at this point


the nile is a river in egypt como fu fala

0 👋 Heron in the river Luxor, Egypt Canon, EOS 7D Mark II Rob


The summer I finished high school, my dad sent me to Egypt to stay with relatives and get in touch with my heritage. I did not have enough books. Late in the summer, my aunt let me at her stash of books from lit classes, and I inhaled Madame Bovary like oxygen because I'd been starved for reading.


Smuggling a cat out of ancient Egypt was punishable by death. Phoenician traders eventually succeeded in smuggling felines, which they sold to rich people in Athens and other important cities.Smuggling a cat out of ancient Egypt was punishable by death. Phoenician traders eventually succeeded in smuggling felines, which they sold to rich people in Athens and other important cities.


While Egypt was largely damaged but withstood the attack, all the other nations were destroyed. Their history pillaged & made another's. This created a power vacuum! One nation rose from it: Israel led by the Hebrews at the same time as the sea peoples were resettled in the area. [VIDEO]While Egypt was largely damaged but withstood the attack, all the other nations were destroyed. Their history pillaged & made another's. This created a power vacuum! One nation rose from it: Israel led by the Hebrews at the same time as the sea peoples were resettled in the area. [VIDEO]


In all of the ancient past, only one group of people fit this description: The Hyksos who were expelled from Egypt. These people created a capital called Avaris, which blocked and taxed much trade into Egypt by land or sea. You could think of it as the ancient Suez Canal. :)In all of the ancient past, only one group of people fit this description: The Hyksos who were expelled from Egypt. These people created a capital called Avaris, which blocked and taxed much trade into Egypt by land or sea. You could think of it as the ancient Suez Canal. :)


The time between the Hyksos expulsion from Egypt (which would be the "Exodus" in the OT) and the Sea peoples is within one or two centuries however! This would have created a great deal of refugees. One other event is said to have happened around this time: The Trojan war.The time between the Hyksos expulsion from Egypt (which would be the "Exodus" in the OT) and the Sea peoples is within one or two centuries however! This would have created a great deal of refugees. One other event is said to have happened around this time: The Trojan war.


The Hyksos do sound similar to the sea peoples, but we cannot be so certain: The timelines do not quite align -- but only if we buy the supposed carbon-dating methodology used to time the sea peoples attack, supposedly 3300 years ago. The Hyksos attacked Egypt ~400 years earlier.The Hyksos do sound similar to the sea peoples, but we cannot be so certain: The timelines do not quite align -- but only if we buy the supposed carbon-dating methodology used to time the sea peoples attack, supposedly 3300 years ago. The Hyksos attacked Egypt ~400 years earlier.