This is why, when people say stuff like, “They won’t be able to do that, it’s against the law,” I look at them like they’re a toddler explaining that they get a cookie because they can see the box on the shelf. Sorry sweetie, the people who make and enforce the rules get to decide if that matters.


And, with this horrible object, from low farms, Poor pelting villages, sheepcotes, and mills, Sometime with lunatic bans, sometime with prayers, Enforce their charity. “Poor Turlygod! Poor Tom!” So says the Conservative Party. Pity Albion. 2/2


If you make that argument you can pretty quite a few social media sites. Be it Insta or Facebook or even Twitter where the algorithm can keep people just hooked. I'm not neccessarily against this argument if you enforce it against all platforms and you can prove it.


The newly organized Dog Packs, each under the command of a mutant psi-stalker, filtered out into the wilderness to enforce the Coalition’s human supremacist agenda with terror and violence.


The Financial Services Commission of South Korea intends to confer with the EU and Japan over stablecoin regulations. The government of South Korea intends to enforce foreign exchange regulations on international transactions employing stablecoins tied to the… #Crypto#SouthKorea#stablecoin

South Korea Targets Cross-Border Stablecoin Transactions
South Korea Targets Cross-Border Stablecoin Transactions

The Financial Services Commission of South Korea intends to confer with the EU and Japan over stablecoin regulations. The government of South Korea intends to enforce foreign exchange regulations on international transactions employing stablecoins tied to…


there's such a split, every british person i meet is either the nicest, sweetest person, just wants to talk about gardening and hiking and lovely old books and radio programs, or they're just frothing at the mouth trying to enforce some weird draconian class order that we don't have here


Time to share yet another of my language peeves. The word "kilometre" is properly pronounced KILL-oh-MEE-turr and not kill-AWE-mitter One of the reasons I respect the CBC is that they enforce this proper pronunciation in all their broadcasts. Listen for it. Thread [1/3]


Wait until they figure out they can leverage the climate crisis to enforce internal migration controls.


It is simply so shameful that too many German politicians, like Trump, are developing a kind of new flat earth theory that migration is behind EVERYTHING. And they consider it appropriate to enforce the aggressive defence of those seeking protection in order to combat this non-problem.

The head of the US agency co-ordinat-
ing relief efforts for Hurricane Helene
attacked “dangerous” disinformation
as she rejected claims by Republican
presidential candidate Donald Trump
that there was no money for storm
victims because it had been spent on
illegal migrants.
“This kind of rhetoric is not helpful to
people,” said Deanne Criswell, Federal
Emergency Management Agency
(Fema) administrator, said. “You know,
it is really a shame that we are putting
politics ahead of helping people and that
is what we are here to do.”

> Enforce #Firmware#Yubico sagt dazu ganz klar: <>: **YubiKey Firmware is Not Upgradable** [2/2]