additionally, though blockchains are inherently decentralized, their lack of ephemerality makes them **more** vulnerable to de-anonymization due to advances in blockchain analysis techniques as such, I recommend the use of Signal and its PFS over Session and its blockchain for encrypted comms


In ephemerality lies the truest beauty, things are precious because they cannot stay. (By which I mean, I want a slice please)


I am now imagining Werner Herzog going off on a tangent about how the ubiquity of digital media creates ghosts of people long after their deaths, a permanent ephemerality Thank you.


Robots and mom feels and the burgeoning of consciousness through the ephemerality of nature and connection to community FINE OKAY FINE


Oddly enough, I vouch for ephemerality on the Fediverse, but there is some permanence on this platform.


The ephemerality of the unpreserved moment.


and i love ephemerality of that. desire flows like a river, and we’re never swept up by the same current twice.


Perusing Clive James's 1981 intro to one of his books of collected TV criticism. Fascinating view. "The frightful blunder by which the BBC wiped the tapes of plays by Pinter, Owen, Gray, and other leading playwrights was merely a prematurely terminal instance of what would have happened anyway."

Why should so many talented people put so much effort into what will be forgotten? And most of it will be forgotten, no matter how dedicated the efforts to preserve it. The frightful blunder by which the BBC wiped the tapes of plays by Pinter, Owen, Gray, and other leading playwrights was merely a prematurely terminal instance of what would have happened anyway in the course of time. I like the idea of a channel for important repeats but residual payments would make it difficult to organise. And if a channel won’t organise it then the individual viewer is unlikely to either, even if all the past material were available from an instantaneous and inexpensive form of data-retrieval. There is barely time to view the present. To view the past as well would take all the time in the world. So ephemerality is likely to go on being the condition of life for everyone who works in television.

But it never seems that way at the time. Whether as a viewer or as a participant, I have never been able

a beautiful commentary on the ephemerality of subculturally homosexual terminology


Webinar alert! 🚨 Join us on October 16th to learn how Swift Package Index runs 350,000+ builds/month with Orka, + tips and tricks for automated CI, scaling builds, and implementing ephemerality. Register for the webinar here. ⬇️