“See, actually, for two or three years now, Maeve and I have had this very unpleasant feeling that we really should get out…”


I’m angry at #Apple ’s multilingual keyboards. They erased my preferences, attached languages I don’t usually mix and I can’t figure out how to make languages separate again!


Also noted: multiple people interviewed in this say they miss the “peace and prosperity” of Trump’s term. Again, no one remembers 2020. People have completely erased it from their minds. Dems should’ve been pound the chaos of 2020 into Kamala’s campaign. Stupid stupid stupid they haven’t been.


Threads got too political for me. All I'm seeing is "mentions of the musk rat" this, and "what do you want erased from the world" that.


True Love Traces/art show 3 - 'T:3' Having overcome my fear of colour I returned to this drawing which began as one of my 'regular' ones, erased all the shading and tones and started overlapping colours to try and capture the shift in mood T showed in his poses. Was drawing many pieces at once now.

My drawing of three different poses of a nude man. Each figure has a main colour utilized with highlights of the other two figures mixed in: Blue, Yellow, Pink

“As Saint Augustine pointed out in the tenth chapter of _Confessions_, forgetting is still a form of remembering: you remember something that is forgotten. With ‘Clear,’ even forgetting is erased. We begin with nothing but the future.”

Cybotron - Clear - 1983
Cybotron - Clear - 1983

YouTube video by ohral_tv


A historical representation of the war of erasure. #SpecLit#FlashFiction

A postcard, front and back.

The front shows a detail from an Etruscan sarcophagus, a worn painting of two armed Greek soldiers fighting a woman on horseback.

The back reads: You see here a historical representation of the war of erasure. This is one of the most complete of the accounts of that war, all others being, academics suspect, erased. What was the technology that allowed for such erasure, that could destroy people, armies, whole nations? We hope it was erased as well. And yet every time we find a fragment of proof that the war of erasure actually existed, we also bring hunger for that weapon to be brought back into existence. Ignorance results in history repeating itself; just not THIS history.

He grew up when trans and nonbinary people were nearly invisible, and insisting that Pauli Murray also be cis — by not even considering the question — he was trying to continue that power structure that marginalized and erased trans people.

History and the Art of Queer Recovery
History and the Art of Queer Recovery

Pauli Murray, Charles Demuth, Carson McCullers — can someone be part of LGBTQIA+ history if they never “came out”?


Just had the most epic fail of a timeout with my hubby... I meant to say 'take a break', but apparently, 5 years of marriage hasn't erased all the ' Tactical TOMs' from my eyes It's like, honey, I'm trying to give you space, not give you a detailed guide on how to execute a flawless


My own minor contribution to Iraq War literature, a rare venture into poetry, is still amazingly online 20+ years after 3/20/2003, tho' the original webpage is long gone. This Is The Day This is the day. This is his Big Day. This is the Biggest! Bestest! day of his life. [full poem in ALT text]

"This Is The Day", a poem by Bruce Arthurs about the start of George Bush's Iraq War in 2003. Image is of Baghdad, lit by fires and towering pillars of smoke at the start of the US bombing campaign.

This Is The Day

This is the day.
This is his Big Day.
This is the Biggest! Bestest! day
of his life.

This is the day
he will be remembered for.
This is the day
his father’s folly is erased.

This is the day
the naysayers are silenced.
This is the day
their numbers could not stop.

This is the day
the missiles will fly.
This is the day
when ancient cities burn.

This is the day
collaterals are damaged.
This is the day
that Jesus will applaud.

This is the day
his name becomes immortal.
This is the day
he finally shows them all.

This is the day.
This is his Big Day.
This is the Biggest! Bestest! day
of his life.