This is what Grok says about it. Thanks Elon!

In summary, while humans have demonstrated the ability to influence weather on a very localized and temporary basis through techniques like cloud seeding, large-scale, precise manipulation of weather systems remains in the realm of theoretical discussion, scientific research, and speculative technology rather than practical application. The complexity and interdependence of global weather systems, coupled with ethical and environmental considerations, mean that such capabilities, if ever realized, would come with significant caveats and risks.

Vhas still looks up to his adoptive parents. Though they've passed on (to the best of Vhas' knowledge), he always finds himself striving to do right by their memory. He might be wild, but he's ethical, or so he attempts to be. #wolqotd


This why it's ethical to booby trap your door with rubber ball claymores if a class traitor comes a-knockin'


A sign of the ethical dumbing down of our politics and public life is how the most basic norms of society have become praiseworthy heights rather than a sub-basement floor of civilized conduct. The hard bigotry of no expectations in action.A sign of the ethical dumbing down of our politics and public life is how the most basic norms of society have become praiseworthy heights rather than a sub-basement floor of civilized conduct. The hard bigotry of no expectations in action.


Mayor Pete for Special Counsel investigating ethical lapses on the Supreme Court! You know, so maybe he can Buttigieg or two.


🟠 The Strange One is a 1957 American film noir about students faced with an ethical dilemma in a military college in the Southern United States. Directed by Jack Garfein Feat.: Ben Gazzara, George Peppard & Julie Wilson.

Animated gif featuring screenshots from the trailer in black and white of the film The Strange One, featuring Ben Gazzara and George Peppard

I'm not saying it would be ethical, but I *am* saying there is a combination of skill sets here that could do a ridiculous amount of damage if we all put our minds to it.


that awkward moment when a scumbag like Branson is the closest we have to an "ethical" billionaire