If the UK wants to drift towards a form of semi-federalism, then it will need a more formal set of mechanisms to coordinate overlapping centres of local, regional, devolved nation and UK centres of power. It isn't just Germany, any such system from Canada, India to the US has coordinating mechanisms


The structure of German federalism involves recognised coordination mechanisms such as MPKs (conference of Minister-presidents) and similar committees in various ministerial levels that meet four times a year. There is none of this chaotic British ad-hocism that adds layers of BS and confusion


There's broad evidence for that comparatively but in the US context it looks like the inflection point would be Reagan->Bush, no? How much do features like Senate malapportionment, gerrymandering, and federalism move that action away from the presidency regardless of term limits?


It also is a major reason federalism is terrible: it makes the most visible & ubiquitous parts of government the ones least capable of taking large-scale, concerted action


the next episode of is going to cover vigilante federalism - public laws, private enforcement has always been a feature of the united states - almost always used to implement the political goals of white supremacists


There’s an argument about federalism in abortion that’s, like, the official moderated messaging of the Trump campaign that an abortion policy that is right for California isn’t right for Tennessee. And that makes no fucking sense right?


I still think about synergy and behaving as a swarm or superorganism in addition to federalism. In the context of war and maybe beyond that.


Taylor Swift isn't the only person going back on tour this month. Our first JAWS session of the semester will take place next Wednesday, October 9, with a focus on federalism. Are you ready for it? Register here: Papers in the 🧵👇

a close up of a woman wearing a hooded jacket and a hooded cape .
a close up of a woman wearing a hooded jacket and a hooded cape .

ALT: a close up of a woman wearing a hooded jacket and a hooded cape .


❗Apply now❗ The Winter School, organised by @eurac and , analyzes the phenomena of federalism, regionalism and multilevel governance - focusing on federalism and the seperation of powers! ⛷️ Deadline for applications: 14.10.2025 more info: Link in Bio


I remember my con law prof in 2006 very clearly explaining that even if the governor must request aid due to federalism, bush could have easily sent in the military and fema to “safeguard federal property” (like say post offices) and let people know btw they have medics, clean water and MREs