🍽 latest Kitchen Magic installment, a baked egg dish & breakfast family tradition, history, magical and spiritual uses of black pepper and eggs are featured, and some Liberation Theology thrown in 🇵🇸! #kitchenmagic#cooking#folkmagic#occultsky#witchsky#tarot

🍽 Kitchen Magic! Eggs and Black○ Pepper○Folk○Magic history and symbolism #kitchenwitch
🍽 Kitchen Magic! Eggs and Black○ Pepper○Folk○Magic history and symbolism #kitchenwitch

YouTube video by Cardinal Rose Tarot Collective


Week nine of our system agnostic magic items based on objects from folklore and European folkmagic. Today's is based on items used by witches to curse individuals. Tablets made of wax or lead they would carve arcane sigils in to to conjuring hexing magic to cause misfortune in another

The image shows a tablet made of lead with arcane sigils engraved on it. Above the image is the title Blunder’s mark. Below the image is the following text - These blank tablets of wax or lead are used by witches to curse others. Sigils are carved into the tablet using a ritual knife to release hexing magic at a target. The target suffers disadvantage on all ability tests. The target can attempt a Willpower roll to resist the curse. If they fail the curse can only be removed by Restoration spells or Remove Curse spells. If the curse is removed the table turns to dust.

Week seven of our system agnostic magic items for your game based on charms and amulets from folklore and historic folkmagic. Todays item comes from Nordic folklore and applied the belief that runes had power of protection against evil creatures

The image shows a long thin piece of grey stone with three runes carved into it. The stone also has a length of leather thonging wrapped around the top so it can be worn around the next. The title of the image above the picture says Stone of Undead Warding. Beneath the stone is the following text. A simple stone with a powerful enchantment. These objects have sigils of protection from undead carved into them. When worn they provide the owner the following protections. They are resistant to damage from attacks by undead. Undead suffer disadvantage when attacking the wearer of the stone. The wearer is immune to charm like effects of undead such as frightening keens, hypnosis and any additional damage from undead attacks such as paralysis, petrification, poisoning etc.

Week six of our system agnostic magic items from folklore and folk magic. Today's comes from coastal regions of England & was based on the belief that sea shells that swirled in the opposite direction had great power #folklore#folkmagic

Alt Text - The image shows a whelk seashell. Above the image is the title Whelk Charm. Engraved onto the shell is a silver disc with arcane sigils carved into it and there is a simple silver circular bar going through the top of the shell for a necklace. Below the image is the following text. These charms, while seeming to be simple folk magic, are actually powerful protective amulets against disease, sickness and necrotic energies. When worn they grant the wearer immunity to all natural diseases. They also gain advantage on constitution based checks against unnatural or magical diseases. If they fail their test against a magical or unnatural disease they can attempt a new test at the start of each turn regardless of the description of the condition. Finally the charms are able to absorb a pool of necrotic energy equal to 30 points of damage per day. Once the entire pool has been absorbed the wearer takes damage from necrotic energy as normal. This protective pool of absorption resets

Week five of my series of system agnostic magic items for your game based on charms and amulets from folklore. This weeks is from 17th century German folkmagic and was a type of charm carried by soliders and mercenaries to try to protect them in battle #folkmagic#ttrpgs

The image is titled shard of invulnerability. Below the title is a picture of a human femur with the bottom broken off. There are various arcane sigils carved into the bone. Beneath the image is the following text. These macabre magical items are made from a shard of human bone. The enchanter engraves arcane sigils of protection onto the bone as they empower it. Once per day the wielder can activate the item's magic. When they do this for the next sixty seconds they are immune to slashing, piercing and bludgeoning damage. They are also resistant to all other forms of damage. The enchantment rests at dawn.

Week four of my series of system agnostic magic items for your game based on items from folklore. Today's item is quite infamous, with a macarbe origin. The Hand of Glory allowed the wielder to slip past others undetected to carry out crimes #folkmagic#ttrpg

The picture show a grey, withered human hand from the back orientated so the fingers are pointed up in a relaxed, slightly curled fashion. Atop each finger tip is a candle alight with the wax dripping on to the fingers. The title on the top of the image is Hand of Glory. The text below the image reads - This macabre object is the mummified hand of a murderer executed by the hangman’s noose with candles placed on each of the fingers that are made from the fat of the murderer’s body. This gruesome charm aids criminals in their activities. When light and carried into a dwelling, anyone inside who is already asleep falls into a deeper slumber from which they cannot awaken while the light hand is in the building. Anyone who is awake suffers disadvantage on any perception checks and the holder of the hand and any allies within a 5 m radius of them gain advantage on stealth checks for as long as the candles are lit. The candles of the hand can only be extinguished by the wielder or a powerful

Week three of my new series of system agnostic folk magic items for your game all based on magical objects, charms and amulets from folklore. This weeks is from German folk magic and was used by soliders and mercenaries in battle #folklore#folkmagic#ttrpg

Picture of a piece of mandrake root with strands of twine wrapped around it and three iron nails driven in to it at different angles. Above the image is the title Gallows Guardian. Below the image is the following text. "These powerfulprotective charms are made from a piece of mandrake root found growing under a hangman's gallows. They are bound with fibres from the hangman's noose with iron nails from the gallows driven in to them. Often carried in a simple clothe bag worn around the neck. When the enchantment is activated, for the next 60 seconds the wearer is immune to slashing, piercing and bludgeoning damage adn resistant to all other forms of damage. The enchantment rests at dawn

Here is the second system agnostic magic item from my #folkmagic series of folklore items. The Witch's Ladder comes from Italian folklore and were said to enable you to kill someone with a wasting disease if hidden under their beds. But I added a bit of flavour to make them a more active item

The image has a title of Witch's Ladder and shows a piece of brown rope with black hen's feathers knotted into it. Below the image is the following text "A malevolent charm made from a piece of rope with black hen's feathers knoted into it. Traditionally they wee left under the bed of someone to be cursed. they would slowly waste away getting weaker each day until dead. However when carried as a weapon they can be use like a whip. If being carried by a spellcaster they can use their casting modifer as their attack modifier. Upon a successsful hit the witch's ladder does 2D6+5 points of necrotic damage. The maximum health is also reduced by the same amount. If the max health drops to zero the target immediately dies."