Whoops also Lukumi (but that's still mostly Yoruba, vs Fon in Haiti) and it was Lukumi via a Candombliero host so I tend to conflate them


Ignoring it when people very literally demonize Afro-Caribbean religious traditions is something people are way, way too comfortable doing. Vodou, Lukumi, Candomblé, Palo Mayombe, 21 Divisions etc are all beautiful, complex, richly sophisticated and nuanced belief systems worthy of respect.


I haven't eaten any meat in 21 years. at my most fanatical vegan point 20 years ago I actually attended a Lukumi bembe that involved a real chicken sacrifice Those animals are treated better than anything white people eat, it's fairly rare to begin with, and they are never left lying around...


Somehow the decision gets worse the farther down you go. Judge Barker, please do share with the class what is meant by "any alternative practices to the use of names or pronouns." Grunting? Pointing? Would that be for the whole class or just students you don't like?

that he was giving Geraghty "the proper instruction on how she should handle things moving
(Carter Depo. at PageID₩# 3075.) Carter had to look into it further because before his
meeting with Geraghty he had never "discuss[ed] whether there were any factors that would be
considered when determining whether or not the [student's] request[ed] name or pronoun was
(Id. at PageID# 3087.) Nor had he ever discussed "any alternative practices to the use
of names or pronouns." (Id. at PageID# 3088.)
Defendants dismiss Geraghty's hypothetical of the Jewish teacher and a student preferring to
be called ahweh as "not proof of anything.
However, the Court finds this hypothetical to be a
telling example of how the District denied Geraghty an exemption from its practice that would have
been available to another teacher of a different faith.
When asked whether a Jewish teacher could
refrain from addressing a student by the student's preferred name Y ahweh, DiLoreto responded that,
"There would be consideration, absolutely. As well as trying to inform the student of that, as well, to
see what compromise could be made here." (DiLoreto Depo. at PageID# 894.) When asked the same
question, Carter similarly responded that "it would be a practice of mine in the sense that a conflict
for a staff member that would necessitate my call to central office for clarification. (Carter Depo. at
PagelD# 3056.) This hypothetical shows that the District would have provided the Jewish teacher an
"individualized exemption from its practice. Church of Lukumi Babalu Aye v. City of Hialeah, 508 U.S. 520, 537 (1993). Defendants could not "refuse to extend" this same individualized exemption

Yeah my primary attraction to folk Catholicism is that I spent a significant amount of time as a teenager around Candomblé and Lukumi practitioners who fully sacrifice chickens to saints syncretized with Yoruba deities while checking "Catholic" on census forms


The Lukumi/Hermetica pipeline is alive and well


I Googled re: Yoruba because your comment made me realise what some Lagosian accents remind me of!

The language has also survived in Cuba (where it is called Lukumi) and in Brazil (where it is called Nago). The Yoruba language is widely spoken in Sierra Leone, Venezuela, Cuba, Trinidad, Tobago, Puerto Rico, and Haiti.

The Orisha?!?! (Not Yoruba directly just a Caribbean lukumi practitioner)


I have actually never heard this song people just sang it at me every single time I mentioned Lukumi for like 10 years so I know the first two lines


What are the things you inevitably bring up in classes regardless of topic, to the point that students joke about it/identify it with you? Mine are: -Righteous Discontent by Evelyn Brooks Higginbotham -1893 World's Parliament of Religion -Church of Lukumi Babalu Aye v. City of Hialeah -Shakers