The hedgehog man and Foxcub


And though the dark might smear your eyes With phantom lights, and colours rise, Think on moors and far blue skies, Skylark song and foxcub cries, Oak and ash in autumn's guise, Nature's breath in zephyr sighs, Let dreams and sleep becalm you. Goodnight, young warriors. #poem


Mother's Daydream [watercolor, color pencils, soft pastels, gouache] #foxart#traditionalart#foxcub#traditionalartwork


And though the dark might smear your eyes With phantom lights, and colours rise, Think on moors and far blue skies, Skylark song and foxcub cries, Oak and ash in autumn's guise, Nature's breath in zephyr sighs, Let dreams and sleep becalm you. Goodnight, young warriors


And though the dark might smear your eyes with phantom lights, and colours rise, think on moors and far blue skies, skylark song and foxcub cries, oak and ash in summer's guise, Nature's breath in zephyr sighs. Let dreams and sleep becalm you. Goodnight, young warriors.


*he wakes up with a possum on his head, a kitten draped across his neck and a foxcub curled up on his chest. all three creatures are sleeping peacefully so he dares not move and disturb them. he looks around for his wife who is still fast asleep beside him* Today, life is good. ❤️


I had a choice of bus - big ones or a Foxcub :) There was a pub just off Horsefair at the underpass end. Right hand side on a side street... Ended up there a couple of times during final bits of final year. Ooi, do you remember a John Page (physics) from your time?


Je me rappelle cependant justement d'une polémique sur twitter, parce que la plateforme a été conçue que par des mecs (et qu'en dépit de ce que son nom suggère elle ne fait aucune référence a l'effet mathilda dans sa description). Le rapport à l'effet M paraît donc très ambiguë, voire contradictoire

Capture de la page "a propos" du moteur de recherche, dans lequel il apparaît notamment dans la section "crédits" que la direction et conception du projet a été entièrement masculine.

Direction et Coordination : Didier Torny (Directeur de Recherches au CNRS)
Maitrise d'ouvrage et d'œuvre : TGIR Huma-Num
Direction de projet: Stéphane Pouyllau (Ingénieur de Recherche au CNRS)
Chef de projet: Laurent Capelli (Ingénieur de Recherche au CNRS)
Prestataire : Foxcub