Cat on my lap, homemade pasta with fresh veggies, new penguin episode, this is the good life


Yes, the cameras are far more reliable, especially if the road has fresh markings or there are identifiable minor landmarks to do trigonometry with. Even actual cops watching the road use radar to measure speed. Haul the camera's manager in with the recording and some calculations, if you must.


Just read “The Manchurian” aka and Terry Dodson’s very fresh take on the spy genre and am spreading the word. More trips to Calvin Low’s world, please!


Como ainda não fizeram uma festa chamada Frozen Fresh.


Combination of difficulty sourcing quality+fresh ingredients necessary, and regional biases making it difficult to open such a restaurant up in New England especially? I'd be willing to risk a Cajun place in Texas or up to about Missouri on the Mississipi, or maybe over in Alabama-ish. No further.


ok, se foi antes da era we fresh ainda da pra ter uma gota de esperança, mas achei galileo e giddy melhores do que wadada e up (no conceito)


Keeping warm with the fresh blood of enemies, no need for clothing *said in some badass cinematic voice*


I lived downwind of the last years of the Pfister & Vogel Leather Company's operation of their tannery in the mid to late 1990s. They didn't run full time, but there were times when it was an eyewatering kind of "rotting meat banana" pungency. Now it's 600 apartments and a Fresh Thyme grocery.


I nearly missed posting for Snuggle Sunday, but I got one made for the occasion. Hope you all had an amazing weekend and the week is very nice to you. Love you all. 🤍 #FFXIV#GPose#Viera

Hean, fresh home from work, finds an exhausted Irisia waiting for him after her own long day. He decides to carry her off to bed in his arms, the tired dragoness falling asleep in his comforting arms shortly after he starts on his path.

Irisia is dressed in her dark blue short jacket with nearly full length sleeves, a short dark blue leather skirt and under-the-knee black leather boots. Her hair is red, akin to flames and her body has some of her black scales showing on her thighs and forearms. Irisia's skin is a deep tan.

Hean is dressed in a fancy suit, with a blue jacket, white dress shirt, a blue tie with a golden tie accessory over the knot, black slacks, and black dress shoes. He has bright white hair with hits of gold and deeply tanned skin that has star markings upon it.
(A very similar Black and White version of the other image.)

Hean, fresh home from work, finds an exhausted Irisia waiting for him after her own long day. He decides to carry her off to bed in his arms, the tired dragoness falling asleep in his comforting arms shortly after he starts on his path.

Irisia is dressed in her dark blue short jacket with nearly full length sleeves, a short dark blue leather skirt and under-the-knee black leather boots. Her hair is red, akin to flames and her body has some of her black scales showing on her thighs and forearms. Irisia's skin is a deep tan.

Hean is dressed in a fancy suit, with a blue jacket, white dress shirt, a blue tie with a golden tie accessory over the knot, black slacks, and black dress shoes. He has bright white hair with hits of gold and deeply tanned skin that has star markings upon it.

[Textual descriptions of promoted nazi imagery over on that other network] The fresh account experience on that other network is so bad that I can’t even post screenshots of what it puts in your feed. So here’s ChatGPT summarizing a tweet I screenshotted […] [Original post on]