Don't mind me. Just over here OBSESSED with #Solavellan#mywriting#godtouched


Some snapshots from our timeline for God Touched. After 3am sarcasm reigns supreme. #dragonage#mywriting#godtouched


Another WIP where Thenera thought it would be a great idea to ask Cullen to fight her (spoiler alert: it was NOT a great idea) #dragonage#mywriting#godtouched#cullenrutherford

The sickeningly cloying minty aroma clung to the Herald. It both turned his stomach and sent a lance of longing through the core of him. A reminder of the power he once held. The control each drink promised coursing through his veins — his skin, his blood, his soul itched for just one last taste of it.
	Maker, not now. His hands shook, cold sweat dripping down his back. Concentrate, you fool!
	Her magic crackled against his skin, power surging through her in powerful waves. His teeth ached with the memory of his last draught of lyrium. The smell of sulfur and taste of ozone was sharp against the back of his throat. It reeked of a loss of control.
	In an instant, Cullen found himself transported back to Kinloch Hold and with it came memories of —
	Ozone so thick it coats the tongue. 
	Copper taints the air, congealed blood and viscera glazing the floors in a viscous layer.
	Sultry whispers promise each and every desire he could ever want.
	The screams as his brothers and sisters are slaughtered just out of sight —
	— drowned out by the pulse of desire, plucking his nerves raw.
	The demon wears her face, uses her voice, tempts him with her form and his traitorous body responds so eagerly even though he tries, oh Maker, how he tries to resist, but it’s so, so —
	The world snapped into razor focus.
	Years of rigid discipline took over. Cullen shoved the instinctual fear back and fell back to his training. Compartmentalizing the memories to deal with later, every one of his senses shifted focus squarely on the mage in front of him. 
	This had gone on long enough and was no longer an educational venture, if it ever truly had been. For the Herald’s sake, and his, he needed to put an end to it.

Part of the WIP for an upcoming chapter of God Touched where I went and made myself sad when I thought about how Solas would react in the bad future... #mywriting#dragonage#solavellan#sfwsnippets#godtouched

        Thenera met Solas’ gaze, his expression hardening. 
	“I’m sorry it’s come to this, lethallan,” he murmured. His hand lifted towards her face, but he caught himself and it dropped to his side in a balled fist. “But while I draw breath, nothing shall touch you.” 
	It took Thenera a moment to realize what he had called her. Not da’len, but lethallan — a term that held the connotation of equals. 
	 “Solas, I…” Lips trembling, she wanted nothing more than to touch him…to reassure and comfort him. “I’m so sorry I wasn’t here to — ”
	“Hush, Thenera.” He hesitated a moment before slowly removing the jawbone amulet from around his neck, pain lining every inch of his face. “If all goes according to plan, none of this will matter. You will wake up and we will be nothing more than a bad dream. And you will have what is needed to keep this from happening.”
	How can he even say such a thing?
	“To you, it was all real,” Thenera whispered fiercely. “The last year of torment and every horrible thing this Elder One caused…you’ve had to endure it.” 
	Solas smiled sadly and glittering crimson-tinted tears swam unshed in his eyes.
	“Your words hold a wisdom I’ve not seen…for quite some time.”  His breath hitched as he released the cord and the amulet dropped into Thenera’s outstretched hand. “When you go back, tell the version of myself from your time…” He hesitated, then laughed softly. “Tell that prideful and foolish soul that they are real.”

Godtouched by eerian_sadow - Transformers - All Media Types


comfy clothes and a godtouched, solar anus blasted expression kitten


do you have a deep anxiety you can never shake no matter what meds or drugs you take? you MAY have structural dissociation. please speak with your local prophetess madwoman to diagnose you as blessed and godtouched


Butter, a Tabaxi divine soul sorcerer that used to be an asshole wizard’s Awakened familiar, got godtouched and granted magic along with a slightly better body. Now he’s a smuggler with a huge heart of gold that he keeps hidden from everyone. Played him just yesterday for the first time on RoleD5!