🏈 #CFB#CollegeFootball @cfb Icing on the cake. Texas Tech 28-19


Dodgers win, yes. Hahaha ending on a machado out is icing


you have to go through the same thing we all did & either look on amazon & wonder "why do these come from china in packs of 60?" or go to the mall, realize they only sell them in the icing or claire's, think to yourself "is it possible i am way too old to be wearing this?" & get the fuck over that.


Today has been a pretty insane day, crazy ups and downs. Currently, unfortunately, I'm dealing with a bit of a nasty knee injury. I cleaned the wound out, disinfected, wrapped, and will be icing it. Tired from it and everything else and not moving so good, but VERY grateful for today!


Watching Crazy To Act Utterly charming Mack Sennett about making a cheap film showing that even in the twenties there's nothing the movies loved more than the movies. Solo Oliver Hardy is the icing on this one


And to make things worse I took a tumble on the way and now I’m icing my ankle.


Made cinnamon bread with my leftover pizza dough

A cast iron pan full of pizza dough baked under a layer of cinnamon sugar compound butter and drizzled with icing

Well I love it. It turned into SpongeBob!

Photograph of a single SpongeBob cookie on a white plate. The plain cookie has white yellow red and brown icing to make the features of SpongeBob

We tried to make a Georgie-themed cake to get people pumped for our upcoming novelization, but it didn't go well. It's a gluten free chocolate pumpkin cake w/ cream cheese frosting (the heatwave melted it) w/ gluten free cookie crumbles and candy tombstones. At least our tombstones came out nice?

A once two-tiered chocolate pumpkin cake with blue icing has its the top layer ripped in half. The cookie crumble on top with candy tombstones is everywhere.
The top layer of the pumpkin chocolate cake with blue cream cheese icing is pieced together on a red plate. It had fallen apart and was reassembled. It has oreo-like cookie crumbles on top and candy tombstones.
A lone slice of chocolate pumpkin cake with blue cream cheese icing. It's small and sits on a white plate.
Cookies and cream candy tombstones. They're mostly white with black cookie flecks.

Grandma’s recipe. Substitute what ever flavouring you want. I tend to do maple flavour with coffee icing.

Grandma’s hand written recipe card.
The completed cake. Hidden away from the cats.
And a frosting job that actually doesn’t look like a murder scene.