God, I forgot I had an account here, oops...:D So many cool people started following me and I ignored them all by not logging in:(


I am very good at noticing when language guidelines are being ignored, but I have zero interest in actually expressing that unless it's very very clear that the person using the language wants me to do so. Hard enough to do with my own kids, let alone random people on the internet.


I am going to end my life if I continue to be ignored like this


Les Miserable (2012) with my parents It was just meant to be with my mum, but my dad insisted on joining us I insisted he’d hate it cos it’s a musical He ignored me 15 mins into it he whispers in my ear ‘are they going to fucking sing throughout this whole fucking film?’ I still laugh about it


Not read the article, so not sure what guff they're spouting about nuclear too (not fighting my way past that paywall). But as a West Cumbrian who knows people who work in the industry, I'd find it hard to claim that nuclear is being ignored. Just look at the DESNZ budget for starters.


Honestly at this point it's ya know. Massive chamge in governmemtal systems, because the system is set up to resist change snd is very good at it. Mass protests lead to.mass arrests, mass disatisfaction was ignored. Within the system we cannot change things in a way that matters.


I have taught students involved in both these groups.The Palestinian voices are both aggressively villainized & substance of demands is ignored but people legit never talk about the fact that opposition has been Jewish co-led in many instances. Like these orgs don’t exist!


Properly address?? 😅😂🤣 Like all MAGA crimes, it won't be addressed at all. Poof, like magic it's gone. Just like Trump's farcical assassination attempt which was the most lethal photo-op in human history. Poof! Ignored by the authorities.....