Lunch place had one toilet with a blue seahorse on the door and one with a pink seahorse on the door, so: one for men who are pregnant and one for women who impregnate? Seems only fair.


yooooo he broke so many laws, both domestic and international. imagine if disease spread 😱

According to court documents, Schubarth conspired with at least five other individuals between 2013 and 2021 to create a larger hybrid species of sheep that would garner higher prices from shooting preserves. Schubarth brought parts of the largest sheep in the world, Marco Polo argali sheep (Ovis ammon polii), from Kyrgyzstan into the United States without declaring the importation. Average males can weigh more than 300 pounds, with horns that span more than five feet. Marco Polo argali are native to the high elevations of the Pamir region of Central Asia. They are protected internationally by the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) and domestically by the Endangered Species Act, and are prohibited in the State of Montana to protect native sheep from disease and hybridization.
Court documents explain that Schubarth worked
with the other unnamed coconspirators to use
MMK's semen to artificially impregnate various
other species of ewes -- all of which were
prohibited in Montana - and create hybrid animals.
Their goal was to create a larger and more valuable
species of sheep to sell to captive hunting facilities,
primarily in Texas.
To move the prohibited sheep into and out of
Montana, Schubarth and others forged veterinary
inspection certificates, falsely claiming that the
sheep were legally permitted species. On occasion,
Schubarth sold MMK semen directly to sheep
breeders in other states. According to court
documents, disease introduction was a risk
associated with Schubarth's conduct and at least
two sheep from the scheme died from Johne's
disease. Johne's disease is a contagious, chronic
wasting disease easily spread between animals
directly or through environmental contamination.
Court documents also describe how Schubarth
illegally obtained genetic material from wild-
hunted Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep in Montana
Schubarth purchased parts of these wild-hunted
sheep in violation of Montana law, which prohibits
the sale of game animal parts within the state and
prohibits the use of Montana game animals on
alternative livestock ranches. Schubarth
transported and sold the bighorn parts in interstate
"Schubarth not only violated federal and state law
and international treaties, but he and others
illegally conspired to conceal their actions from
authorities," said Assistant Attorney General Todd
Kim of the Justice Department's Environment and
Vatural Resources Division. "Violations of the Lacey
Act, CITES and other laws can be devastating for
our domestic populations of wild animals, which is
why we are unwavering in our commitment to
enforce them."

Hopefully he keeps shooting his shot trying to impregnate mega-famous pop stars with no interest in him. I mean, I guess I shouldn't hope that, as it's probably very unpleasant for them. But it is good that he's not spawning more offspring.


Un image de présentation de l'anime "conception episode 2 I want you to have my child" avec le texte "every time I see the conception anime I feel the overpowering presence of a certain musty Japanese conservative"
Une photo d'un certain politique japonais est superposé a l'animé
2 image de shinzō abe avec sous la première ressemble a une photo officielle il a un léger sourire et se trouve le texte "R:15, I have a fun idea if you are a young Japanese male, stop watching anime and playing video games. Instead... Go out and impregnate a Japanese girl to have a Japanese child. Haha, crazy."
The second picture is a close up where he looks serious and had a gun Ponting at the viewer the text under this one reads "R:13/I:2, I am no longer asking. Have sex"
Three screenshots of an anime where a character says "Well... I read that a boy and a girl"
The second one is
"Can create a new life by joining their bodies together"
The last panel is the same as the second one with a picture of low opacity shinzō abe superposed on it

If a MAGA man *wants to impregnate a woman, he doesn't want her to have the option of then getting an abortion. He turns a date rape into his baby mother. He turns an affair into a second family. He turns a failing marriage into a renewed commitment. He turns an independent wife more dependent.

a man kissing a pregnant woman 's belly with the caption this would bring us closer and allow us to spend more
a man kissing a pregnant woman 's belly with the caption this would bring us closer and allow us to spend more

Alt: Man in a red baseball cap kisses a pregnant woman's belly


*I do so as I cum a lot into her and impregnate her massively*


Okay, let's have someone in Congress write a bill that requires all men to have a chip implanted in their penis that registers every time they have sex so they can be tracked down and punished when they impregnate women. Too far?


Alien insect creature that looks human but has ovipositor to impregnate men directly in their penises


As promised, posting the spicy Fanbox shit. "Let your sister take your cock and impregnate you with it." #Isabelle#animalcrossing#Digby#nsfw#furry#incest#impregnation#transmac