🆕 the IPGP annual report for 2023 is here ! Read it in French and English: On pages 82 to 85, I briefly look back on several earthquakes in 2023: Morocco (Mw 6.8), Turkey (Mw 7.8 and 7.6), Western France (Mw 4.8). ⚒️

Photo of IPGP report's cover page showing a Sentinel-1 interferogram of the doublet of earthquakes that struck Turkey and Syria on 6 February 2023. InSAR fringes shown in colour outline the coseismic deformation. Fault ruptures are figured as red and orange lines.
Photo of two pages of the IPGP report that present "a look back at the year's earthquakes"

Save the Date! The next MoLA will be held March 12-14th, 2026 in Atlanta, GA. To encourage MoLA representation at INSAR this spring, we're hosting an abstract workshop. Tues, 10/8 at 12pm ET. Registration:


(For my part, I processed InSAR data over Dickson Fjord and was able to independently detect decorrelation consistent with the expected tsunami run-up around the edges of the fjord. I did not find any obvious pre-event signal on the rocky peak, but it certainly did decorrelate after it fell.)

Comparison between two interferometric correlation images, one pre-event (24 days before, left) and one spanning (right) the rockslide and tsunami in Dickson Fjord

Li-Chieh Lin, UCR: We have combined InSAR from Sentinel-1 and UAVSAR over the creeping segment of the central San Andreas fault to make a map of surface deformation velocities in 3D! This allows us to map the surface creep along the fault with minimal assumptions! Come to our poster (#086)!

Li-Chieh Lin
Slide showing our preliminary fault-parallel velocities on the San Andreas fault

Abstract submissions for presentation at the


Mike Floyd again: We would like to engage the community (anyone who is interested!) in a velocity field exercise. We supply the CGM InSAR and GNSS data, and participants would produce a combined east/north/up velocity dataset on the same grid. We can then compare strategies and results!

Mike Floyd standing by his slide about the proposed community velocity field exercise

Now, Kathryn Materna is showing the HDF5 format that the CGM InSAR data are supplied in, and the tools she has developed to read those files (which are part of the back end of the web viewer). Extremely important to supply tools along with the data!

Kathryn Materna standing next to her slide on the CGM InSAR HDF5 data format

Lavoisiane Ferreira: The Scripps approach for InSAR-GNSS combination uses a dynamic datum model (integrating secular rates and transients, fitting a parametric model at each GNSS station), to generate predicted horizontal motions, and then removing them from the InSAR, leaving just the verticals.

Lavoisiane Ferreira standing in front of her slide on InSAR-GNSS combination

Zheng-Kang Shen: To combine InSAR and GNSS velocities requires interpolating GNSS (using distance weighting and not crossing creeping faults), estimating uncertainties for both datasets and ramps in the InSAR, and then aligning InSAR with the horizontal GNSS.

Zheng-Kang Shen standing in front of his slide on GNSS and InSAR combination