Oh, and announcing the queerest thing Ive written (yet) on international coming out day was not intentional...but fitting as heck. Stay tuned, loves.


Brittany Alvarado, through her attorney, has filed her response to Jill Ellis's defamation lawsuit. We've got a few quick highlights below, and you can read the full filing at the link:

A screenshot from the filing. It said: "In response, Ellis filed a Complaint for: (1) Defamation and (2) Intentional Interference with Contractual Relations. But the allegations in the Complaint arise directly from Alvardo’s exercise of constitutionally protected free speech rights in connection with a matter of public interest. This is precisely the abuse of process that the California legislature intended to curb through the anti-SLAPP statute. Newly enacted California Civil Code Section 47.1 further is also meant to curb litigation such as Ellis’s suit, recognizing that intimidation and threats for speaking out about workplace conduct are far too common of tactics."
A screenshot from the filing. It said: "As a result, Ellis has the burden to show – with admissible evidence and without the aid of discovery – that her claims are merited. She cannot do so as a matter of law because, among other reasons: (1) Ellis cannot carry her burden as a public figure to show Alvarado made the statements with actual malice; (2) Alvarado’s Social Media Post is privileged under Civil Code Sections 47(b) and 47.1; (3) Ellis cannot carry her burden to show falsity; and, (4) the intentional interference with contractual relations claim is based on the same privileged communication and is superfluous given Ellis
remains employed by San Diego Wave.

"Alvarado respectfully submits this Motion to prevent Ellis from punishing her from engaging in constitutionally protected activity and prevent Ellis from succeedings in chilling the free speech rights of those she deems unworthy of speaking about her."
An excerpt from the filing. It said: "The Court should not countenance Ellis’s attempt to use her lawsuit as an instrument to chill Alvarado’s constitutional right to free speech on a matter of public concern. Based on the foregoing, Alvardo respectfully requests that the Court grant her special motion to strike the entirety of Ellis’s Complaint pursuant to the Anti-SLAPP Statute and award reasonable attorneys’ fees expended in
connection with this Motion."

It doesn't even need to be intentional, someone could have just added the wrong text to a training set and now every few hundred thousand prompts someone will churn out Pickman's Model or an OLED shoggoth.


Getting home from work after a long weekend:

A still from Lord of the Rings. Gothmog, a grotesque orc war leader, is issuing a grand proclamation. (He looks exactly like Harvey Weinstein and this resemblance is intentional on the part of the filmmakers.) 

Subtitle: The age of pants is over.

What Dame Salmond may not realise yet is its an intentional strategy. Appreciate her time and lending her voice to this authoritarian government


Working on consistency in personal projects! I have a long history of getting excited about personal projects and then wandering away from them, and I'm trying to be more intentional about actually seeing them through to completion.


this very sweet n intentional package arrived from 🥹🩵 this really brightened my day

kuromi and cinnamoroll stickers, 3 crystals, 2 rings, and a beaded necklace

Although having said that, it would be even funnier if this were some kind of military intelligence or influence op and totally intentional


This actually sounds like it's precisely describing pension spiking. Work a lot of overtime in your last year, get a pension calculated from that forever. Not sure if intentional or if the author was transmitting from something they heard without understanding