"This recently established national day of remembrance, coincides with the Feast of the Intercession of the Blessed Mother of God, or Pokrova, a tradition dating back to the 12th century. The Blessed Virgin is revered as the patron saint of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.


today I have to make gek tor and finish writing an intercession spell to prevent a local woman from killing more chipmunks in a ghastly manner. the Universal Life Church doesn't really prepare you very well for this sort of thing when you get ordained online


Team Michael 💪🏾 Ethiopia, 17th c. #michael#archangel#teammichael#heaven#africanart

An enormous Archangel Michael holding a sword, flanked by exotic flowers. In front of him: a multitude of people that was brought to heaven thanks to his intercession.

ALL I did the entire time this was going down was pray. I prayed a thousand Hail Mary's, asked every saint I could think of for intercession, and prayed, the entire time this was happening. The deafening silence that fell that day was undeniable proof that there is no god. 2/


This seems like a lot of effort when, as I understand it, it'll self destruct pretty quickly without my intercession. I mean... it did rain this week.


Therefore pray not now for this people, neither lift up cry nor prayer for them, neither make intercession to me: for I will not hear thee.


Yes, I'm immediately reminded of the passage following the encounter with the Riders at Weathertop, when Aragorn tells Frodo that calling on the name of Elbereth was a stronger weapon than the blade of the barrow-knife (essentially, a "hail, Mary" for divine intercession).

‘Look!’ he cried; and stooping he lifted from the ground a black cloak that had lain there hidden by the darkness. A foot above the lower hem there was a slash. ‘This was the stroke of Frodo’s sword,’ he said. ‘The only hurt that it did to his enemy, I fear; for it is unharmed, but all blades perish that pierce that dreadful King. More deadly to him was the name of Elbereth.’