What were those poor judgements? Automatically assuming every brown Muslim is a terrorist like practically every liberal today is doing with Palestinians? Is that why you just see them as a "political inconvenience" and not human beings?


I was actually alive in 2003. And I definitely made some poor judgements then, but I was not, in fact, screaming for Baghdad to be turned into glass.


I was so mentally unwell at the time and I can’t even excuse myself. Like repeatedly hospitalized. Couldn’t speak. In a wheelchair and often unable to move. And I still blame myself and own up to my own misinformed mistakes. But you hold onto those judgements like they are important


Someone replied in The Other Place saying this was ancient history implying that the ECHR/Human Rights Act's effect had recently strayed far beyond what was intended. And yet multiple cases up to the present have seen free speech judgements (ECHR & British courts) which Farage would approve of.


FELT!!! Do what you have to do. No shame in my game. No judgements from me either. More love & empathy is needed. My target is on the top 1% who need to pay their fair share for living on Earth. I talk a lot of shite but my love for humanity guides me. Always will.


Bruno O'Donnell is working as Alexander Boơković's caretaker. And according to the last comig pages, yes, he accepted the job 😾 but that story will continue ^^ This is so cute seeing two guys having fun together in all harmony and no judgements :3


I'm confining my own personal vitriol to folks who insist on making sweeping moral judgements about it, and i urge you to do the same


And this is a function of who is on Twitter/X. It's such a stark difference and the reason I still have to check it. Some people focus on Musk and the hate bots (and try to assign moral judgements for remainers) but so many people and organizations still post there out of necessity for reach.


It's a strange light to sit in. To forget for a time the words and judgements you guard yourself with to keep the truth at bay so that it is possible to live a life. To feel the pain of this shared riddle and the beauty of the sharing. If this is not the kingdom of god, what else possibly could be?


Housing discussions, where reverse causality rules supreme. (Not to mention underhanded value judgements elevating “local” families over [international] students sharing a home.)

Housing availability and costs, he said, have been worsening, partly because unscrupulous landlords rent out small properties to multiple students, charging them hundreds of dollars each and pricing out local families.