Today the #lectionary#stainedglass . This window (one of my very early attempts at photographing glass) is in High Beach (or High Beech) Essex, where I served my curacy.

Staeind glass depicting Saint Francis of Assisi. The figure, clothes in brown monk's robes, stands surrounded by animals including a deer, a rabbit, and a squirrel, and several birds. There are trees in the background.

St. Paul's ripping yarn continues and in today's #lectionary#stainedglass is another panel from the window in St. Paul's church, Bedford which featured a few days ago.

Stained glass panel depicting Saint Paul, dressed in a red robe, on board a ship, in earnest conversation with a Roman centurion who is holding a sword. In front of them a sailor throws a line overboard. Behind them several other sailors are in states of agitation. The ships sail is in tatters overhead and in the background are huge waves and a dark sky.

In #lectionary#stainedglass today is this window in Holy Cross church, Yelling, Cambridgeshire depicting St. Paul making his defence to Agrippa and Bernice (Acts 26). It's by Frederick Preedy from 1869.

Stained glass in two panels. In the left, Agrippa and Bernice are seated with a Roman soldier, holding the fasces, to their right. In the right hand panel, St. Paul stands, his right hand raised. Behind him stand two Roman soldiers. The floor is richly patterned, and in the background are red-coloured pillars with Corinthian capitals.

Today is the feast of St. Michael and All Angels, and the #lectionary#stainedglass by Preedy in Hunstanton (he also used the design in Streatham, Cambridgeshire.

Stained glass depicting Jacobs vision of angels on a ladder. At the bottom, Jacob lies asleep. Above him, many angels with robes and wings of various colours., looking either upwards or downwards, on a set of steps receding up to heaven.

I write a response to the Lectionary most weeks and I'm starting to think ahead to the new year Mostly I read the RCL but in 2022 I did Rev. Wil Gafney's A Women’s Lectionary For The Whole Church. I might do that again, but I'm considering other options. Anyone know of interesting possibilities? ⚓


In #lectionary#stainedglass today, Paul defends himself before Festus (Acts 25 - I think it's this one because of the coded Jewish figure behind Paul) Glass in Lincoln Cathedral.

Stained glass panel of Saint Paul defending himself before Festus. In the foreground to the left Paul stands, facing the seated Festus on the left. Pauls arms are raised in rhetorical gesture, but his wrists are chained together. In the background behind Paul stands a figure in the dress of a Jewish priest, and behind Festus stands a Roman soldier with a spear.