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Stephen Day
Church of England country vicar in East Cambridgeshire. Well woke.
133 followers84 following385 posts

Today the #lectionary#stainedglass . This window (one of my very early attempts at photographing glass) is in High Beach (or High Beech) Essex, where I served my curacy.

Staeind glass depicting Saint Francis of Assisi. The figure, clothes in brown monk's robes, stands surrounded by animals including a deer, a rabbit, and a squirrel, and several birds. There are trees in the background.

Of the five parishes I minister in, only two have a bus service, and in neither case do those busses go *between* any of my parishes. My role tacitly assumes I will have my own car, and while such assumptions exist, there's no pressure to improve public transport.


Yes, that got remarked on this morning! Obviously "tact" isn't one of the fruits of the Spirit...


St. Paul's ripping yarn continues and in today's #lectionary#stainedglass is another panel from the window in St. Paul's church, Bedford which featured a few days ago.

Stained glass panel depicting Saint Paul, dressed in a red robe, on board a ship, in earnest conversation with a Roman centurion who is holding a sword. In front of them a sailor throws a line overboard. Behind them several other sailors are in states of agitation. The ships sail is in tatters overhead and in the background are huge waves and a dark sky.

Currently arranging the day's drug-regime timings for sore throat ✔️ cough ✔️ alternately runny/blocked nose ✔️ tight chest ✔️ and contacting the day's appointments to see which ones don't want me with/without mask.


Hear, hear! Unhinged billionaires need to have their money taken away and spent on things which protect *this* planet from people like them.


I say this as the custodian of several grade I and II* listed buildings!


The 'heritage' obsession in the UK has become a monster. No generation prior to the 20th century was so utterly fixated on not letting anything change. I'm all for respecting the past, but buildings which aren't fit for the future are a nonsense and will end up abandoned.


Poe's Law - or a close corollary.


In #lectionary#stainedglass today is this window in Holy Cross church, Yelling, Cambridgeshire depicting St. Paul making his defence to Agrippa and Bernice (Acts 26). It's by Frederick Preedy from 1869.

Stained glass in two panels. In the left, Agrippa and Bernice are seated with a Roman soldier, holding the fasces, to their right. In the right hand panel, St. Paul stands, his right hand raised. Behind him stand two Roman soldiers. The floor is richly patterned, and in the background are red-coloured pillars with Corinthian capitals.
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Stephen Day
Church of England country vicar in East Cambridgeshire. Well woke.
133 followers84 following385 posts