The ONLY reason we know Emmett Till's story is that his family didn't live in the area where he was lynched, so his mother had some freedom to speak out. She was relentlessly threatened, but if she'd lived in Money, Mississippi she'd have been outright killed and the press would bury the story.


I've heard some vague babbling about 'drill-baby-drill' sentiments. None of them are aware that in 2020, he cut a deal between texas oil producers and OPEC to jointly cut production. (which raises prices). Any other president would have been lynched.


He went home for Christmas leave, and when he came back, he told me he wouldn't be able to go home anymore and was going to need to move as far as possible after he got out because when he was home, he helped a black dude who got lost. People saw. He forgot where he was. He nearly got lynched.


White Ohioan threatened by white supremacist terrorists, 1868 edition

Image depicting 2 figures hanging by their necks from the limb of a tree, as a mule labeled "K.K.K." walks away.

"A cartoon from the September 1, 1868, issue of the Tuscaloosa Independent Monitor. The lynched images represent two educators: Arad S. Lakin, right, a Methodist minister and "carpetbagger" from Ohio who had just been named president of the University of Alabama, and Noah B. Cloud, a southern-born Republican, or "scalawag," politician serving as Superintendent of Public Instruction of Alabama. The mule is marked with the initials of the Ku Klux Klan, and the image serves as a threat to enemies of the Klan."

Image and description from

You know he has no self-respect because he’s hitched his wagon to somebody with a track record of literally calling for his deputy to be lynched.


During a Nov 11, 1919 parade, four members of the American Legion were killed. Later that night, a member of the IWW was lynched. The common story was that the IWW murdered those men in cold blood; the BOI investigator found that was not the case...


I've never forgiven Bill Maher for saying trans rights were a "boutique issue" My ability to participate in society without being lynched or forced underground isn't a fucking pastime.


There are so many true stories about civil rights workers who got harassed or even lynched by cops or just local (white) gangs.


During WWI, there was an incident where some people, like, lynched a dachshund because it was a German breed of dog, in case anyone was laboring under the delusion that we just became stupid recently in this country


compare to Kevin McCarthy et al, who Trump almost got lynched, and yet they still lick his boots