In 2025 we celebrate 20 years of the BAMF Research Centre! Call for Paper: international, scientific conference on 21 and 22 May 2025 in Nuremberg


Emily Farrell's research explores the intersections of language, identity, and belonging in migration. The interview explores covers not only some fascinating findings but also careers outside academia for linguists. 🐦🐦 #Langsky#MigrationResearch


It's always a pleasure to hear Loy Lising talk about her work. Here we learn more about her research with temporary migrant workers. She reminds us that language- based discrimination not only undermines access TO work, but also participation IN work #MigrationResearch 🐦🐦

Life in a New Language, Part 5: Monolingual mindset
Life in a New Language, Part 5: Monolingual mindset

This episode of the Language on the Move Podcast is Part 5 of our series devoted to Life in a New Language. Life in a New Language is a new book just out from Oxford University Press. It is a proje…


Last day of the Nordic Migration Research Conference. I chose to attend the panel on Migration, precarity, and climate change. Depressing but interesting. #migrationresearch

The lake Lille Lungegårdsvann in Bergen, a semi-sunny morning. Flowers, hills, and colourful houses.

The conference "The politics of mobility and precarity - and the alternatives" gathers more than 250 migration researchers, among them our postdoc in the TemPro project, Kari Anne Drangsland, who has organized a panel, presented a paper and also played at the opening concert! #migrationresearch

The Politics of Mobility and Precarity – and the Alternatives
The Politics of Mobility and Precarity – and the Alternatives

More than 250 migration scholars from around the world are gathered for the 22nd Nordic Migration Research (NMR) conference, taking place at the University of Bergen, 14-16 August.