who are they trying to fool. these apps are fake as hell. random ass made up names and nonsensical logos


Trump showing his dementia and psychotic tendencies more and more. We cannot have this guy in office. He is posting numerous nonsensical messages on his own social network which is failing!

Trump has MASSIVE TANTRUM on Sunday as it ALL SLIPS AWAY
Trump has MASSIVE TANTRUM on Sunday as it ALL SLIPS AWAY

YouTube video by MeidasTouch


I'm so annoyed because I really like the band IDLES a lot and was hyped to preorder their shirt to help support them a little bit. But when I got the shirt, it dawned on me that this is really shoddy AI art and I'm returning it at my expense because I just can't deal with how ugly it is up close.

A photo of a black t-shirt that says IDLES on the top and SUPERIOR METAL FOR WEAKLINGS on the bottom. In the middle there's an image of a tiger jumping over an alligator while a flying saucer sails by in outer space in the background.
Detail of the shirt, showing the faces of the gator and tiger. The aligator's teeth are nebulous, overlap in strange ways and the eyes and nosptils are uneven. The tiger has similarly strange teeth.
A detail of the shirt showing the tiger's body. It's lumpy and doesn't make much sense the stripes are strangely smudged.
And, finally, the clincher. The UFO in the background is completely formless and nonsensical. It looks like nothing if you look at it up close.

But only for a split sec? It's Trumplestiltskinland... where anything that doesn't make any sense at all can happen at any nonsensical time.


Honestly, from an agnostic perspective, Catholicism at least makes a certain amount of sense given its evolution. Evangelism is literally nonsensical. You think Jesus is gonna come back if you do *what?*


I once had a 2 page comment take 4 months to review. And then the reviewers were all paper authors who recommended rejection for nonsensical reasons. The commentary process is not a real alternative to social media unfortunately.


make something self indulgent and nonsensical that pisses everyone off. That’s what art is about, to me


Saw megalopolis, it is either a massive barrage of nothing or a brilliant film that needs multiple rewatches for me to grasp fully. Visually it’s a feast some beautiful costumes, sets, decent ish cgi. But man the dialogue? It felt almost nonsensical in relation to what was going on at times


Yea, and we've also come up with the ways to undo them, the ways to undo their effects on the world. Hyperfocusing on the negative aspects of human history and attributing those to human nature, while outright ignoring the good aspects, is utterly nonsensical and not going to help anyone.


Thelma and Louise in the small Telluride theater right before I left for grad school. There was much hooting and hollering over the nonsensical geography. When they turned north (toward Moab) instead of south toward Mexico, the entire theater shouted WRONG WAY, TURN LEFT.