Thrusting forward, squirming side to side to leave cock stretching throat out further. Ears flat 'gainst his head, toes curling in boots as grasp grows tighter - nearly digging his nails into Kaito's flesh. Each pump gets cock swelling before slowly oozing his lust out in fat, heavy beads.


commission for opossum punk legend

Fleas the opossum is badly beaten against a brick wall, oozing blood from multiple locations in the head, but smiling regardless. he wears a tattered muslin shirt, with holes cut in the elbows, armpits, shoulders, and nipples, as well as a random chunk out of the bottom left side. a chain connects each of his nipple rings. he has numerous DIY safety pin piercings in his ears and face. a "NO FUTURE" tie is loosely around his neck. he supports his weight with one arm while the other carries a black leather jacket over his shoulder. his green pants are badly tattered, so much so they're missing the entire crotch, revealing his plain white briefs. various chains and leather belts cross his hips and thighs. his black leather boots are untied. his tail hangs limp and crooked, looking almost broken. the entire image is rendered in pen and colored marker.

Thank you so much for the art share! 🔗

A tall glass containing a parfait, the pink whipped cream oozing over the rim of the glass in the shape of a smiling ghost in front of a sparkling background. The word "Parphantom" is written near the base of the glass.
Jander Sunstar and Ireena Kolyana in costumes inspired by characters from The Corpse Bride. Jander the vampiric sun elf wears a suit, his ribcage exposed revealing something glowing from within. Ireena wears a wedding gown and veil, adorned with blue flowers.He kisses her hand as he gasps it with skeletal fingers. They stand in a moonlit valley, framed by trees, surrounded by blue butterflies and flowers, while the glowing light of the moon shines upon them.
Two ghasts from Minecraft. One is docile with its eyes closed. The second ghast is hostile, its eyes open and a fireball erupting from its mouth.
A fish-like Triton in tattered clothes reminiscent of a sea captain's stands on a beach with rolling waves behind her. In her hand, a sparkling abalone trident.

Those are cauliflower tots, so this was healthy.

A double cheeseburger w/ cheese and sauce just oozing down like a disgustingly glorious flood. There are a few tot looking things on the right side

"Mhmm~ You'll just have to make it fit~" Roland smirks feeling her meaty thighs rub up against his shaft, his tip leaking precum flooding his tip as it runs down his size coating her legs and pussy in the hot oozing fluids. His tip reaching actually just past her belly button~


He takes the cloth, and wipes away a drizzle of blood oozing from his blackened nose. “All of this because someone found out I had some Lho-Sticks (cigarettes).” He let out a mirthless chuckle as he handed back the cloth. “To whom do I owe my appreciation, hm?”


Actually found time to play Metaphor Re Fantazio over the last few days after playing only about an hour when it came out. Good game. Oozing style, and the dungeon crawling feels very satisfying.


Demon of the Underground is an LGBTQ+ urban fantasy

A close shot of two men from the chest up as they are in the midst of battle. In the foreground, a small, dark-haired white man with a long nose and dark shadows under his eyes extends an arm while smiling confidently. He wears a gold cross earring, and a sable colored ferret sits on his shoulder. In the background, a larger black man with a scarred face, goatee, and long dreadlocks bares his teeth and holds a rifle. Title: Demon of the Underground.
A two-page spread from the webcomic Demon of the Underground. The first shows Pogo and Samsid having a conversation, while Pogo looks distraught. Pogo says, "I... I should have done something." Samsid replies, "Pfft. What could you have done?" Pogo looks down, then his lip quivers. He leans into Samsid's chest and cries, "Damn it!" while Samsid looks stunned. On the next page, Samsid stands rigidly while Pogo buries his face in his chest. Samsid looks to his right, then his left, bewildered, then looks down at Pogo. Looking resigned, he sets his hand on Pogo's shoulder. Pogo glances to the side to look at Samsid's hand.
A two-page spread from the webcomic Demon of the Underground. Belmont and Merritt are arguing on a bridge overpass with airy windows and arches on either side. Merritt says, "You sold me out to the East. I was too close to Mercury, so you set me up for capture just to get me away from him." Belmont replies, "I did what I had to do." He holds up two playing cards with Merritt's face, one labeled 10 and E, the other labeled 5 and N. He says, "But look how well it worked out for you! Soldiers are peasants in the North, but they're the elite of the East. That capture bumped you up five ranks!" Merritt holds his finger in Belmont's face and says, "And it made me your rival instead of your inferior. Don't ever forget that." He leans in close to the taller Belmont's face and says, "You may be a queen card, but I'm a ten now. We're only two ranks apart. I don't need permission to touch you anymore." Belmont smiles at him, inches from his face, and says, "Then touch me." On the next page, Merritt glares up at Belmont. Then his gaze shifts down to Belmont's lips. He grabs Belmont's collar and leans in, about to kiss him. Then, as bright light shines on his face, he glances to his side. Belmont glances as well, with a wicked smile on his face. Sitting on a motorcycle across the bridge is Samsid, wearing a uniform that matches Merritt's. He says nothing as he stares at Merritt.
A two-page spread from the webcomic Demon of the Underground, showing a flashback in sepia and yellow tones. Young Pogo puts on an alter boy's vestments. As he dresses, he says to a priest in the background, "Father Hawkins, I... Thank you. You're the only one who's ever... treated me like maybe I'm not all bad." The priest, whose face isn't shown, sets his hand on Pogo's shoulder and says, "Let's go. Everyone is waiting." Pogo walks between two rows of pews with other altar servers, swinging a thurible of incense. In the next panel, a wafer is placed in his mouth, then he sips from a chalice. On the next page, in a dark bathroom, he vomits into the toilet. Golden light radiates from a stained glass window showing an angel stabbing a demon. Pogo's hand grips the edge of the toilet. He raises his head, black liquid oozing from his eyes.