[ #oc#originalproject ] Original story I made with my girlfriend @\RenPop_ (on twitter) master thread🧵 This will be devided into the stories separately, starting with the protagonists of each story


Blinding shining star You won't see so far Know what can't be shown Feel what can't be known ✨ #OC#originalproject


More icons I drew these last months, those are mostly for my project 'Terne', that happens in fae territory, hence allt hose pointy ears! #art#originalcharacter#originalcharacters#originalproject#fae#elf

A black lady with thick curly black hair wearing an ornate white top with black lapels decorated with gold over a dark red shirt. She also wears colorful fabric bracelets and a skirt just as colorful as well as a gold necklace.
A tan skinned lady with pointy ears decorated with earrings, she has green eyes and long brown hair. She wears a pink and blue dress that looks like a flower pointing at the ground.
A man with pink skin and long strawberry blonde hair, wearing an elegant asymetrical outfit made of mostly neutral colors. He has green eyes, an arrogant pose and a little smirk.
A tan skinned lady with pointy ears, brown eyes and long dark hair as well as a sassy pose. She wears an elaborate outfit with translucid fabrics hanging from the shoulders, an orange and purple top with little stars, and a grey asymetrical skit with an elegant red and black motif.

Cloud woman my beloved. #Art#Oc#originalproject


This year has been SUPER busy for me, so I haven't been able to work on nearly as much polished, finished art as I would like (or hardly any at all...). But you know what I do make plenty of? ✨ Color sketches, haha! ✨ #sketches#sketchart#conceptart#originalcharacters#wip#originalproject

A pen and highlighter sketch showing two characters: Syne and Viridian Heran.

Viridian is on the left in a pleasant light green, he is holding his (very short) wife's hand and gazing at her lovingly as they proceed down some sketchy stairs.

Syne is on the right in a light orange shade, looking up at her husband with adoration. She is carrying a large battle axe like its a scepter, and her long, pointed tail is curling behind Viridian's legs as they walk.

Written above them is the phrase "til the end of the line" (low-key a Captain America (MCU) reference).
A pen, ink, and highlighter sketch of the Godhunter (Serra Tyrannis). One the left of the picture is a bust of Tyrannis with a wide, toothy grin and red eyes, their expression cocky. On the right is a sketch of them in motion, swinging one sword down and the other at their side as they stalk towards their prey (the viewer).

Between the two sketches are a label that reads "Godhunter" and a sigil that resembles a scale, utilizing two triangles that symbolize death and life.
A colorful pen and highlighter sketch featuring two characters: Deis, the Second Councilman of Aetheria, and Evansen Stark/Emperor Razienne the First.

Deis (who is much taller) leans over Ev with a creepy, sadistic-looking grin as he says their Imperial name. Ev tells him to fuck off.
A very colorful pen and highlighter sketch page featuring three characters: the Wayfinder, Treachery, and Kryze Patterson (the template for the other two).

Wayfinder is in blue and green wearing a cape, a crook-like staff floating beside them.

Kryze appears most prominently as a bust, her hair braided over one shoulder. She is depicted in red and pink. A small sketch showers her using high-power magic circles, her cape billowing out behind her.

Treachery only appears (on this page) as a maniacally laughing figure in a cape.