Det er ikke noe problem. Politikerne kan gjøre det de krever at skolebarn skal gjøre: Ta med nistemat. Ingen vil nekte dem å ha kjøtt i nistematen. Hva? Skal politikerne måtte finne seg i det som vanlige folk må finne seg i? Uhørt.

Misfornøyd med maten på bystyremøtene i Oslo
Misfornøyd med maten på bystyremøtene i Oslo

Vegetarmaten som serveres på bystyrets møter i Oslo er smakløs og dårlig tilberedt. Det mener Høyres Heidi Larssen, som ønsker at de også kan velge kjøtt og fisk, skriver Avisa Oslo. I fjor høst beste...


If anyone is ever curious about the tone of our Call of Cthulhu game is, all this happened just last session. Absolute CHAOS XD. Join us on Tuesdays 3.00pm EST here:

So, an INTERESTING week for our Irish Bootlegger Alex O'brien, having managed to not only feed her obsession about the Ghouls of Arkham by working directly with them, but she also enjoyed a rather pleasant dinner with them. Ghoul Dinner you might say.
Sadly the rest of her week hasn't been as agreeable, with Thomas Kimbal, the young nephew of the recently turned Ghoul Douglas Kimbal, having gone a little paranoid from his poorly thought out ‘midnight book runs.’ What was supposed to be a simple book pickup for Douglas turned into a Saw movie when poor Carver Kirk, the Private Detective, got part of his shoulder blasted by a Shotgun Trap. Luckily Alex was able to send him off to St Mary's Teaching Hospital in the Campus District & covered the expenses thanks to the windfall her benefactor Grace Wilcox provided.
Far more wary, Alex picks up John Collier the Occultist & their new associate Oslo the book Dealer to assist her in tracking down Thomas, & grab Douglas’ books from him. However as the group make their way through the deathtrap filled house, they realize there is an odd sound & breeze coming from the upstairs. Checking the master bedroom they see the wardrobe leads to a different location altogether, a rundown abandoned house of similar design to the one they stand in. With Oslo staying behind to ensure the wardrobe door stays open, Alex & John soon hear a trapped Thomas as the rotting floor threatens to give way beneath their feet. 
Just as they free the neurotic nephew, they spot 2 things, an old arcane circle in a heavily shadowed room, & the sound of crashing trees outside. Realizing they are in the Billington Mansion on the far outskirts of town, the group attempt to head back through the wardrobe door, but are attacked by a gigantic half-translucent slug monster.
To Buy John the time he needs to send this creature back to the abyss Alex & Thomas both attempt to distract it with gunfire, with Thomas firing up the stairs through a window & Alex firing round the back to split its attention. As the ritual is completed John opens a portal to the Court of Azathoth, & both he & Thomas gaze into the grand array of horrors desperately trying to keep the titanic abomination asleep. Both men go absolutely insane, while Alex is knocked unconscious by a falling piece of tile as she tries to get back into the now partially destroyed building. 
Waking several hours later at night, Alex sees no sign of Thomas, but sees her friend John in a totally catatonic state. With some frustration & no small amount of venom, Alex is able to walk through the woods unharmed for most of the night before being picked up by a fellow Bootlegger from the Lucky Clover Company. However the last thing she sees in the rear view mirror of the van is the deranged face of Thomas.
Johns tale ends for now in the Pickering Psychopathic Hospital, as he is taken under the care of his previous Physician, Dr John Ronayne, a man very excited to test his new Electroshock Therapy on the catatonic Occultist.

So, what madness will befall Alex, Carver, & any other poor denizens of Arkham this week, & in future sessions? I have no idea, & I’m the Keeper FFS XD.

Reminds me of how Oslo is considered to have a fuck ton of trees but that’s also including like an entire 200 square mile stretch of nearly uninterrupted forest


Veldig! Det er en del bilder nedover den siden jeg linket til. Mitt første stykke som skuespiller var Richard 3. Jeg var 14 og vi spilte på turne på vestlandet og Oslo i tillegg til ungdomsskoler i der vi bodde. Stort å være med på.


Vez ou outra me pego pensando nele 😭 no melhor poke que eu comi na minha vida e que não vou comer dnv pois foi em Oslo!


Oslo har jo fungerende sånn der du kan gå ut og finne transport uten å ha gjort formidabel planlegging først om du skal fra en kant til en annen av byen :)


Skjønte det. Men ville gjerne holde oss lokalt i Oslo. Jeg har selv bil, og bruker den når jeg skal til steder hvor kollektivtilbud ikke finnes, eksempelvis. Det er andre årsaker til at vi ha bil, men går ikke inn på det her. Jeg mener byrådets prioriteringer er feil.


oslo ist so toll, hat mich gleich eingefangen, ich mochte die festung akerhus und den blick auf den hafen und den holmenkollen


Lurer på hvordan det går med E18 mellom Oslo og Bærum. Ble ikke den ferdig for 50 år siden?