I just heard that Alexander Tomasz died on Monday. I didn't know him, but I met him once while I was a graduate student working on pneumococci. He did pioneering work on pneumococcal competence, discovering competence factor. His work on autolysins and penicillin binding proteins was tremendous.


2) Pneumococcal vaccines. Pneumococci are bacteria which are *one* of the causes of clinical diagnosis called "pneumonia". Pneumococcal vax protect us against *this* cause of pneumonia, but not others (including viruses). Prevnar-20 pneumococcal vax is a one done vax: good for life. CDC info here:


Armin Braun already speculated in 1947 that DNA may be involved in this transformation process. But research really took off in 1967, when Rob Schilperoort showed that Agrobacterium RNA could hybridize with crown gall DNA,indicating that bacterial DNA had indeed been transferred.

Excerpt from Armin Braun's 1947 paper "Thermal Studies on the Factors Responsible for Tumor Initiation in Crown Gall" stating that the crown gall tumors may be induced by: "(1) a metabolic product of the crown-gall bacterium; (2) a normal host constituent that is converted by the bacteria into a tumor-inducing substance; (3) a chemical fraction of the bacterial cell that is capable of initiating, as in the case of the transforming substance (desoxyribonucleic acid) of the pneumococci, a specific alteration in the host cell with a resultant continued and, in this instance abnormal, development of those cells; or (4) a virus or other agent which is present in association with the crown-gall organism."
Table 1 or Rob Schilperoort's 1967 paper "Formation of complexes between DNA isolated from tobacco crown gall tumours and RNA complementary to Agrobacterium tumefaciens DNA", showing that agrobacterium RNA can hybridize with tumor DNA from tobacco crown galls, but not with regular tobacco DNA.